One Punch Man Gary Stu

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Name: Seaweed Infinite

Species: Monster

Age: Unknown (older than Kombu Infinity)

Family members: Kombu Infinity (little brother)

Height: 1.89m

Strength: Stronger than his brother

Abilities: Armament haki

Weight: Unknown

Hobbies: Training his skills

Favorite food: Tuna

Favorite drink: Seawater

Likes: Fighting strong opponents, swordsman, athletes

Dislikes: Tornado, weak people/monsters, baseball bats

Personality: The chill type, sadistic

Description: Looks exactly like his younger brother except his hair is made of seaweed instead.

Backstory: Seaweed Infinite led a fairly normal life. He was a predator. He was feared. He didn't quite like humans. Seaweed wanted to be a the world's number one terrorist. In order to achieve that, he trained hard. He trained so hard that he even unlocked Armament haki. However, he didn't want to be alone in his success so he trained his little brother as well. Seaweed is so strong that he is able to defeat a S-class hero without much effort.

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