Part 80

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After the New Year, Valentine's Day was over, and it would soon be the Chinese New Year Festival. Under normal circumstances, many companies would start working after holidays as soon as possible to start the new project or investment. As the leader of the group, Kongpob could just leave things for his best friend also manager, M. He accompanied Arthit and their children for a few more days.

Arthit had long since fully recovered from his injuries. Before he went to work, Kongpob had even specially brought him for a check-up session. When they made love, Kongpob should also remember to sprinkle the seeds outside. Thus, the results of the medical examination confirmed that his body was healthy and he could go back to work so two days after Kongpob left for work, he drove there too. He was even more spirited and sunny than before. The majority of his colleagues already knew about the matter between him and big president of Suthilak Groups, and when they saw that he had returned to work, they all shouted for him to treat them dinner. Arthit was not stingy either and immediately agreed: "No problem, go and arrange a place for us! Let's have dinner tonight! My treat!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" People cheered and were in high spirits.

Because they had just arrived at work, Arthit didn't have much work to do after he went on vacation so the handover had to be done slowly. Pete, his senior colleague who just went back form working overseas greeting him and handed over a slightly less urgent task to him, and when the two of them were working together, he lowered his voice and asked: "Nong Arthit, you're really married to the CEO of Suthilak's Group?"

"That's right, we've all accepted the certificate. As for the specific date of the marriage, it's still not set yet. It's up to Mom and Dad to decide, so we don't have to worry about it. What? Can't wait for the wedding wine? How about a little drink tonight?" Arthit had never been a stingy person and his personality was good too, so even though he hadn't worked for more than a year, everyone still treated him very well.

"No, I just feel a bit awkward." Pete's mind was just thinking about two men being together and he shivered. Then he quickly tried to clear his doubts, "Umm, Nong, don't think too much into it, I didn't mean anything else, I was just curious, hahaha, curious."

"I will punish you with three glass of wine tonight. I'll remember it first." Arthit jokingly said.

"Okay, okay, I will drink as long as you are not angry." Pete rubbed the back of his head and laughed.

Arthit also laughed together with him then he remembered something. He quickly asked, "Oh right! Since I came here, I don't see P'Danai. Where is he?"

"The company transferred him to work overseas for a year. Maybe he can't join your wedding but he asked me to tell you that, he will come if he has time."

Arthit was a little bit sad knowing that his senior couldn't join but he understood well, it was company's decision.

"I will call him later. If he won't come, I will punish him later." Arthit replied and began to study the new project proposal as well as the arrangements for the filming process.

"Oh right, Arthit, I have another question to ask you.." Pete stopped for a moment, then turned his chair and leaned over to ask a few questions in a low voice.

Arthit looked around and realized that many of his colleagues were whispering to each other. Some of his female colleagues were talking about New Year's events, while others were talking about shopping and fighting for their lives. Actually, the Leader knew that everyone's thoughts had been confiscated just after returning from the new year, so he didn't really care about them. He would just put them on guard for a while before deciding.

Arthit did not stay polite any longer, and turned his head to ask: "What happened? Ask away!"

"Just few days before you came back to work, I happened to see you, President Kongpob and two elders carrying two little boys to hospital..." Pete blinked his eyes, unable to understand what was going on, "Those two children were adopted by you, right? Why do they look so similar to you and President Kongpob? And two kids looks exactly the same. You didn't adopt a pair of twin, did you? It's so good to be rich, no matter what you want, you can get it."

Arthit was startled, then he thought about how he brought his sons to take vaccine during New Year's Eve. He couldn't help but sigh. They weren't adopted but they were his and Kongpob's biological sons.

"Are you sure about that?

"Yes." Kao nodded and confirmed, "I even heard the two elders calling your name so I was sure. Those two elders are President Kongpob's parents if I didn't remember wrong."

"Yes." Arthit lower his voice, "Well, actually I want to tell you for along time ago but you were at overseas at that time so I didn't have a chance to tell you in person. Since you've come back, I will tell you the truth. You are not mistaken, those two children are indeed a pair of twin and they are my sons with Kongpob."

"Your biological sons?" Kao opened his eyes wide, "The two of you... The biological sons of you and him? How is that possible? How can they born? Was it test tube baby? But it should still have to be carried by human body, right?" As Pete spoke, his eyes widened even more. He thought about the matter of Arthit leaving on vocations more than a years due to his health condition along with the age of children that he saw...

When he calculated ...

The answer came out...

The taller man looked at Arthit in disbelief, "You, you, you're the one who give birth to them?"

No way! God, quickly tell him that he was wrong. How could Arthit do such a thing?!

Arthit nodded his head but he reminded calm and continued, "That's right, I'm their mama."

"........" Pete maintained his petrified look and didn't react for a long time.

It was hard to imagine Arthit with a big belly, even with children...

Pete shook his head and said awkwardly, "Nong, are you joking with me? I just went to another country not another planet. How could such a thing happen? It was your adopted child, wasn't it? Or did you find surrogate mother?"

"Believe it or not, I already told you. I consider you as my brother that why I don't lie to you." Arthit suddenly laughed and deliberately lowered his voice, "Don't tell anyone else. I told you alone. Those two children were really mine."

Pete continued to petrify. Keep petrifying... Always petrified...

What kind of love did you have to give birth to a child for him? Moreover, you are also a man! Great! No wonder you could entrap the CEO of Suthilak's Groups so tightly! What an overpowered weapon!


Long time no update from this story. How have you been? Have a nice day!

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