Part 57

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Speaking of this, Arthit haven't returned for more than half a year ...

He drove the car steadily. He hadn't touched the car for a year and when he suddenly drove on the road, he was a little nervous, so the speed was very slow.

Arthit remembered that he moved to Kongpob's house because his house was decorated again and the floor had to change anti-slipper and he had no idea how it would look like after decorating...

His house's location is indeed good area but it seemed like he would not have a chance to go back to live there. It's not a good idea to leave the house in vacant. Otherwise, let's keep renting it to Rome? Well, it's would be good if Room rent his house again so he could help him to look after his house but now Rome lived with his boyfriend and Arthit believed that Bright would certainly not agree to let Rome move out again.

Let's rent it for the others? What if he and Kongpob take their sons to stay here for a few nights?

However he felt comfortable living at his husband's house now and he totally don't want to come back ...

When he was coaxed by Kongpob to move to his villa, he never thought that he would actually live with him until now and did not want to return. At that time, he still said indignantly that he would definitely come back ... Hehe ... Fortunately, Kongpob didn't take his word into his heart, otherwise he would definitely use this to ridicule himself ...

Thinking all the way, Arthit turned to a corner and finally arrived at the gate of his own neighborhood. The unguarded janitor could still recognize him. After seeing his face, he warmly greeted: "Boy, you haven't been there for a while, where have you been? "

"I'm married, and live in somewhere else!" Arthit replied briefly, when the crossbar stood up, his waved his hand, said goodbye to the uncle, then drove his car in, stopped at his own downstairs.

Because nowadays he used to live in a spacious villa so when he came this time, he was really not used to walk in this narrow neighborhood, however he still missed his own house too much.

After parking his car, he quickly got out of the car, close the door and lock the key. Then he took the car key and the house key and stepped on the stairs. He entered the corridor, then came to the elevator and pressed the button to wait for the elevator.

The elevator came very quickly and it was also very fast to reach the seventh floor where he lived. Arthit came out of the elevator to his door, took the key to unlock it, took a deep breath before pushing the door.


The house is not messy at all, it is indeed a famous decoration company, it is so clean and neat.

Arthit took off his shoes and socks, stepped inside, closed the door and walked directly to the master bedroom. The furnishings in the room remained the same. At this time, it was 11 o'clock in the morning. This season, this time, the sun was just right. The large floor-to-ceiling windows have bright sunshine coming in, which is especially warm.

The warmth of his small nest is not the same as the warmth felt in the villa of Kongpob's house. It is more grounded here. Arthit sat on the bed, fell backwards, rolled twice, and looked satisfied-- Comfortable!

He will find a good time to come back to stay for a few days. But it was not so soon. His two little guys were still too young. They will be uncomfortable with the strange place and he couldn't bear to leave them in the villa for the elderly to look after. He definitely miss his sons .

He knew that during the New Years days, Kongpob is indeed free so he could come here for a few days but he did not know if Kongpob will agree to come with him?

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