Part 72

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As soon as the two of them arrived at Arthit's old house, they rushed to the master bedroom to find Arthit's house registration book. Rome was busy cooking at the kitchen so he didn't
know the two person arrived since when. He walked out of kitchen and heard the noise. He began to feel terrified as he thought there were thief. He grabbed his phone and began to dial police's number while walking to the master bedroom. He secretly poked at the door and let a sigh of relief when he saw Arthit and Kongpob inside the room.

He walked toward them and curiously asked, "Arthit, what are you looking for?"

"Ah" Both Kongpob was taken aback by the sudden sound. When they turned their head, they saw Rome standing not far from them with the turner in his hand. They patted their chest at the same time-obviously these two were also scared by Rome.

Because they was too hurry to find the book, both of them forgot that this house is not vacant, there was Rome who living here.

Rome said indignantly: "I am the one who should be scared. You come without telling me in advance. This is your house, it doesn't matter if you walk in and out at will, but somehow tell me in advance? I turned over the cabinet and thought it was a thief. I'm scared to dead! Fortunately, I took a look first, otherwise wouldn't it be a big story if I call the police?

Arthit said with a smile: "It was our negligence that accidentally forgot you living here, this guy is in a hurry, so just ..."

"... So what are you looking for? You guys seem anxious?"

"We're looking for Arthit's house registration book, we plan to get the marriage certificate tomorrow." Kongpob finished looking down and rummaging through Arthit's drawer for important things, looking anxious and serious.

Rome froze for a moment, then immediately congratulated: "Congratulations!"

While congratulating, there was also a trace of loss in his heart, if so ... how good he and Bright could get to this step ...

Arthit saw his depression and gave Kongpob the important task of finding the book. Then he walked towards his friend: "Rome, how is Bright?"

"Since he has been discharged from the hospital, I don't see him anymore. However, we have kept in touch with the phone." Rome sighed, not knowing when this status quo will continue ...

"You have to be patience. Believe in him, he is fighting for both of you!" Arthit patted his shoulder and encouraged, "Hold on."

Rome nodded: "Well, I surely won't give up no matter how tired I am." After finished his word, he smiled and pushed Arthit into the room. "Okay, please go and find your book. I will help you find it after I finish cooking" Room smiled and leaned over to whisper in Arthit's ear,"Don't make your husband wait ... "

Arthit grinned: "Okay, don't think too much, come on, there must be a road before the car!"

"All right, go in!" Rome said with a smile and then turned to the kitchen to continue his cooking...

Arthit and Kongpob really didn't find it after turning over all the box in the master bedroom...

"Wife, think about it again, where did you put it?" Kongpob scratched his ears anxiously.

"I don't remember, I really don't remember, it such a long time that I used it..." Arthit twisted his eyebrows and thought hard.

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