Part 24

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Kongpob rushed out in spite of his naked and unwashed state. However, he had only just moved in, so how would he know where Arthit's bath towel was? He had already turned over the box and emptied the cabinet yet he still failed to find it, so he took his own.

He swiftly wrapped Arthit and then circled the huge bath towel twice wrapping the person like a silkworm of course, this was a pregnant silkworm.

"Let's go to your room to quickly cover yourself up with a quilt. I'll feed you later." Kongpob spoke as he helped Arthit out.

Arthit frowned and remained in place. "I haven't removed my bottom pants yet! I can't walk."


When Kongpob remembered about how he saw Arthit posing that weird posture before, just like a child peeing, he almost laughed out loud.

A picture suddenly flashed through his mind, their naked son preparing to jump off the toilet with his trousers huddled at his ankles. The little boy would slowly come up to him like a penguin and faced his back towards him. His soft voice shouting, "Daddy~ wipe! "

How cute !!

A weird smile climbed onto Kongpob's lips, making him look a little silly.

Arthit naturally did not know that the person next to him was imagining things about his life with his son. Arthit actually thought that he was laughing at him after seeing Kongpob's smiling face.

His face flushed red and he glared at Kongpob: "What are you laughing about? It was inconvenient for me to bend down. The floor was so slippery, so I don't dare to lift my feet, else... What if I fall?"

"Yes, yes, yes. You're right. That's the way it should be. I'll do everything for you."

Kongpob said as he squatted down to help Arthit, "I'll help you lift it off. You hold my head. Umm, that's it. Come on, raise your left foot first... yes, good. Raise your right foot..."

Although Kongpob managed to touch Arthit's calves this time, he did not have any greedy thoughts as the sneezes from Arthit had truly scared him.

Arthit's pants were quickly stripped down. Kongpob raised his head and smile at him, saying; "It's done, I'll carry you back?"

"No need, you're barefooted yourself. The floor is slippery. I'm afraid you'll slip and throw me off. You can just support me." Arthit moved his body around, "Why did you wrap me so tightly? Loosen it up a bit."

"I'll follow your orders!" Kongpob carefully and cautiously supported the man back to the room. He also cleaned his body, sat him down and covered him with a blanket. After which, he found a dry towel to wipe Arthit's hair.

"Next time, don't shower by yourself, call me by the time you want to shower so I can help you."

"I will not call you, this pervert!" Arthit pouted.

The towel on his head blocked his sight, so he simply closed his eyes and enjoyed the service provided by Kongpob.

"I order you to make the bathroom anti-slippery as soon as possible! So that I could quickly shower by myself in the future."

Kongpob's hands that were wiping Arthit's hair paused for a moment. His expression was a little despondent. His feeling about this matter was quite contradictory. If the bathroom was not anti-slippery, he would be able to wash with Arthit and take advantage of him along the way, eating a bit of dessert to alleviate his appetite. However, he wouldn't be rest assured, if by chance, Arthit would feel like taking a bath and he was not at home.

If the floor was changed to anti-slippery, this beauty would surely distance himself a thousand miles away from him. Arthit would not let him serve him, wouldn't that be really boring!

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