Part 45

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Arthit's abdomen is violently retracted in pain which is more serious than any previous flash pain. He obviously felt that the fetus in his abdomen moves under the compression of the uterus, and then it's a warmth fluid flowing out from his body... Arthit didn't know what happen to him, he truly couldn't bear it anymore. He cried in desperation, " It's hurt so much...."

The doctor who has been paying close attention to him, quickly asked the nurse to come over and prepared to start another round of midwifery. They hurriedly brought Arthit back to the delivery room and placed him on the bed.

The doctor's hand was pressed on Arthit's upper abdomen and clearly said, " Patient, take a deep breath and push.... 1...2...3...push..."

Arthit did his best to follow the doctor's instruction as he tried to take a deep breath and push it again and again...

Kongpob's face was covered with sweat and he was beyond distressed, "Baby. Bear with it! Push hard!"

Arthit looked at him, then he took a deep breath again and screamed painfully, "... ah... ah...ah....ah...ah...ah..."

The waves of pain each came fiercer and fiercer than before. Arthit's face screwed up in pain. Even his voice became weaker. At the end, he couldn't even shout out in pain. He could only grab onto Kongpob's hand chanting repeatedly, "Kong... Kong..."

" Fighting baby, fighting."

Arthit closed his eyes, decided to try again. He pushed and screamed out at the top of his lung.
His whole body seemed to be torn apart and the fresh blood blew out from his lower part. All his strength was almost gone at this moment, but finally he could hear the sound of baby's crying.

Arthit felt that his whole body was very light, and the feeling of the pain suddenly disappeared. So his head fell on Kongpob's shoulder. .

Kongpob's heart panicked, and there was no reason in his mind to not think of Arthit's previous death on the operating table that he used to tell him before. He quickly kissed him and called him: "Honey? Let's fighting, Arthit, Arthit! Don't scare me! Arthit!"

Why did he feel like his breathing has stopped?

"The patient has too much blood loss, leading to shock, and ready for blood transfusion!" The doctor cut the umbilical cord from the child who had just been born, and then gave him to the nurse beside him.

Soon after, there was one bag of blood came over and it was transfused in him immediately, The emergency measures were implemented. Arthit snuggled up in Kongpob's arms, and he was so weakness.

"Arthit? Arthit?" Kongpob called him two times but Arthit did not wake up, the doctor did not idle, he continued to press on Arthit's abdomen, while saying to the medical staff surrounding him, "Do not relax, there is a child in the patient's stomach. Hurry up and find a way to let him be born, otherwise the child will suffocate and die!"

During the speech, the doctor pressed hard on Arthit's abdomen and pushed, Arthit was awakened, his consciousness was blurred, and instinctively followed the doctor's guidance to breath-in and out. He even said to Kongpob, if he could not live, Kongpob would decisively protect their child, anyway... ... Anyway... He certainly couldn't escape from his hand, whether in the past or in this life, he definitely didn't spare him.

"Wife...wife... Bear with it some more, everythingwill be fine, try again, our child is going to come out very soon, the doctor said that he has seen his head... wife... fighting..." Kongpob said worryingly and wiped Arthit's sweat.

Arthit who was dazed with pain, try to open his eyes at looked at him. When he saw Kongpob's eyes welling up, he suddenly froze in the midst of enormous pain.

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