Part 55

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Kongpob sighed, walking toward the bed and kissed Arthit on the lips lightly then left a note for him. After having breakfast, he went to his sons room to give them morning kiss, said goodbye to his parents and went to work without forgetting to bring card and USB flash with him.

Of course, before going to work, he still had to go to Arthit's company.

As soon as he drove out of the car from the courtyard, Kongpob saw Mr Jettri waiting at the gate.

Mr Jettri was wrapped in a windbreaker and his face was freezing blue. Obviously, he was waiting here early in the morning.

Kongpob stepped on the brake, rolled down the window, peeked his head out and quickly asked, "Sawandee khrap uncle. When did you come here? Why didn't you ring the doorbell?"

Mr Jettri rubbed his hands and smiled a little awkwardly: "I'm afraid you haven't got up yet ... it's okay, it's not cold, I just stayed in the car. When just got off when I saw you driving out ..."

Kongpob nodded, his eyes flickered and looked at the man before him, how did he not know that Mr Jettri was looking for himself because of the collapse of his own company's shares? At the reception last night, he was in a hurry to take Arthit to the hospital, so he didn't have time to talk with him. Now it seems that Mr Jettri is very persistent and he has been waiting so early in the morning. If he doesn't find time to talk to him, it would be weird.

But now he has to rush to finish what his wife has ordered so Kongpob smiled and politely said, "Sorry, Uncle, I have urgent thing to do now. If you want to talk to me about Jettri's shares, could you please wait for me at Suthilak's Group first. "

Mr Jettri opened his mouth as he wanted to say something but he didn't know what he supposed to say. When he saw Kongpob rolling up the window, he finally said what he had thought all the night: "Kongpob, I didn't come for the sake of Jettri's shares."

Kongpob stunned with surprise, wasn't it for Jettri's shares? Why was that? Did he still struggle with himself for Pimchanok?

Mr Jettri subconsciously looked at the silvery ring on Kongpob's hand holding the steering wheel. That ring was the same style as the ring was wore on Arthit's hand at the reception yesterday. What he wanted to ask is...

"Uncle, I have more important things to do in a hurry, what do you want to say? Let's talk at another day!" Kongpob raised his hand and looked at the watch. If he did not send the card and USB flash to the person name Danai, his beauty must be mad at him.

As for Mr Jettri ... let him wait for a few days more!

What can Mr Jettri say? Can he stop Kongpob from letting him go? He can't even show his smile flatteringly, "Fine, you can go now. I'll meet you in advance the next day. Find a coffee shop and talk! "

Kongpob smiled softly: "Goodbye, Uncle ..."


After driving away, Kongpob saw from the rear-view mirror that Mr Jettri did not leave, but stood at the door of his house and looked at him from time to time with an expression of eagerness. Should he hope to have a chance to see Arthit?

Kongpob glanced over the ring on his hand, his mouth twitched and a disdainful smile appeared.

Last night, he was so nervous holding Arthit away. Everyone might be able to guess what is the relationship between them? Beside that the ring on Arthit's finger was the same as his own so no need him to say it out loudly but everyone would find the information by themselves already.

"Hum, Maybe what I guess before is right. This day is finally come!!!" Kongpob muttered to himself and continued to drive to his destination.


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