44:Easily Got along

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Edited by Relendria

Meng Yao was in the restuarant gambling with a group of men during a game of Mahjong. Jia Yi was talking with some she-men at the other end of the room. Unlike the villagers, they didn't think he was ugly and were quite friendly towards Jia Yi.

"You smell so nice, Master Hong! What fragrance do you use? Is it expensive?" a she-man asked.

"His skin is very smooth as well," another observed.

Meng Yao's upper lip was twitching. Even if they were she-men, he didn't like Jia Yi being the focus of their attention. It was then that Jun Gui and Feng Huan walked in the restaurant. Huan's young face was flushed with excitement. He and Jun Gui were immediately spotted since the gamblers sat close to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Brother Liang!" Huan cried out with joy as soon as he spotted Meng Yao.

Everyone immediately looked over at Feng Huan as he hurried over to Meng Yao's side.

"Little Feng, I see you are here but I don't see my generational wealth," Meng Yao teased with a solemn expression. Huan blushed and then pouted.

"I forgot," he grumbled quietly.

"Don't worry, Xiao Didi. Your Dage will make plenty money right now," he grinned at the men around him, "win!"

"Again?!?" the other men exclaimed with frustration.

"Fifth time in a row! Good brother, tell me your secret," a man begged shamelessly.

"My secret is no secret, just luck." Meng Yao got up with the heavy sack of money and looked over to his wife, "Jiaji!"

Jia Yi looked up then waved to the she-men as he went up to Meng Yao.

"I made money," Meng Yao boasted.

"Don't make a habit of it," Jia Yi replied firmly.

"Of course I won't! Your husband is smarter than that." He grinned as he swung the sack around his finger by the ties.

Huan's face was now gloomy.

"Brother is married," he observed with a pronounced pout.

"Yes," Meng Yao agreed casually.

"You didn't tell me."

"Hmm... is Xiao Didi jealous now?" he asked, his tone teasing. He pinched the boy's cheek.

"Me? No way! Hmph!"

Huan had wanted Meng Yao to visit his home but in order to do so Meng Yao has to either be in a business relationship with his father - which wasn't likely to happen - or marry into the family. Since his father was already married, Huan wanted to match Jun Gui and Meng Yao together, only to find out just now that he was already married.

'What rotten luck!' Huang grumbled to himself, "I want to spend more time with brother...'

Jun Gui was intrigued by how well Meng Yao and Huan got along when they had barely known each other for a day.  They interacted with each other as naturally as if they had known each other for their entire lives. Jun Gui had only rarely seen Huan behave so childishly.

Feng Huan could only be described as a lonely child. His father, the General, was very strict with him while his daddy ignored him completely. Huan had never really had the chance to be a child but somehow Meng Yao made him behave like the child he really was. Right now Huan looked like a little brother who had been endlessly spoiled by his big brother.

"Ah! Piggy Bank?!?" Meng Yao exclaimed in surprise as he noticed who Jun Gui was.

'Piggy Bank?' everyone else thought with confusion.

"Oh! I mean, good sir we meet again!"

Meng Yao immediately left Huan and went up before Jun Gui as he rubbed his paws together with greed. He put on his most professional smile for Jun Gui.

"Yes, I wanted to discuss matters with you about the soap."

"Sure, sure! How much do you want?" Meng Yao asked eagerly.

Jun Gui took a small step back. He was still uncomfortable around Meng Yao and now that he could see Huan and Meng Yao together, he could see a slight resemblance between the two unsettled him even more. Something about Meng Yao's eyes made him uneasy and he just couldn't get past it.

"Yao, you're making him feel uncomfortable," Jia Yi said with a soothing smile towards Jun Gui.

Immediately Meng Yao walked over to Jia Yi and hugged him around the waist.

"Do I make him uncomfortable or is my Jiajia just jealous?" Meng Yao teased.

Jia Yi blushed and avoided eye contact with his husband. Meng Yao smirked and was tempted to nibble on Jia Yi's his neck when;

"You're still in public, you know?"

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