The summer days are over

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Chase followed the kittens, cautiously. Chase still trying to process what everything has happen. Chase glanced at creatures big and small, trailing away from their homes. They all acted like human beings and wore clothes like them to but Chase couldn't help but feel disturbed that now anything can kill him with the right instinct. The kittens and the rest of younger generations waited for the bus stop. Chase trying to rid of this shaky feeling and tried to bond with the host family. Chase turning  to Billy who was talking to someone else. Chase didn't even try and talk to Samatha, he knew she hated him. There was never an time that she didn't give him an glare. Chase suddenly felt an tap on his shoulder, he sprung up and turned. An smaller kitten than billy, she wore round glasses, she wore grayish vest over her white blouse and finally she had white and gray fur unlike her siblings. She was so quiet that she was almost invisible to the family. The kitten smiled and spoke in an sweet tender voice " Hi... Excited for EFY?" " Not exactly..." he replied.  EFY stood for Education For Youth, it was like any other school but  with creatures roaming. " I mean I did hear you were having an field trip." Oh no Chase thought, he hated field trips because it made him even more anxious that creature would find out of what he i and what they might do to them. He heard rumors that when predators want meat, they go to the black market. It's where all of captured and slaughter humans forced to go to. Chase gulped "Right..." Before Chase could feel anymore anxious about the situation, the bus drove on by. When the doors opened when the bus parked, the animals shoved each other in. Chase barley managed to find himself an seat without being squished to death. Chase stared at his surroundings, glancing at all the other animals sitting and talking with another. He had long exhale and placed his head onto the window. He watch the pine trees follow him, the world was cloudy and cold.  Chase felt the same feeling when he left his tunnel, he almost forgot the feeling of safety and warmth.

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