An bigger problem

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"Mike, I thought you were supposed keep watch!" Billy shouted but only struggled in Officer's Jenny's arms before Mike could speak. " she  was too fast!" Officer Jenny watched in shock from the camera. "'m not supposed to see this- worse not an group of children are!" Billy stood up for the group when he spoke in pride "Actual ma'am, I wouldn't say calling us children is an bit undermining our understanding since we did just break in-" "Wait...what?!" Officer looked even more furious and her eyes darted at the children.  "I need all of you to get ou-" Strangely, Officer Jenny froze and let the children's voice down when she heard voices. "Alright, did you collect all the evidence?" One weasel asked another "I think this is the room that I haven't been into yet." Officer Jenny gripped onto the children and dashed out of the window. Officer Jenny panicked and sprinted back to city. While being held onto, Misty held the chip close to the chest. "This is very bad!" Jenny continued to run and worry all the way to her apartment. Jenny stomped up the stairs with the children waving their bodies with the movement. Jenny slammed and locked the door when she entered. Jenny released the children and paced around. " Well this wasn't according to the plan." Billy said while glancing around. "I don't feel safe!"' Mike replied. Officer Jenny finally had to snap out of it to reassure the children. "Look, I would take you to the station but I don't want there to more of an panic." Billy turned to her "You mean more than you have?" "You guys don't understand what this means for me or anyone!" "What do you mean? Can't you just lock them up?" "No, it's not that easy...Anne is loved by children and mutants and me an hyena would expose this...I'm risking my career." Billy turned to his friends, frowning. "Isn't this why you wanted to be an officer? To help people?" Misty finally spoke up "If you can't help us then what was the point of becoming an officer?Jenny softened and sighed. "You're's about the people not me." Officer Jenny took her direction to Misty and nodded. "We need to head to the station-" An sudden knock was overheard by Jenny making her jump. "You got mail, please open up." Jenny stepped away when she got an whiff of meat eating tuxedo wearing lions. "Coming!" Officer Jenny spoke in an fake cheery voice as she carefully slipped the children up the roof. The Lions waited patiently until they lost smell of them. Jenny having the children in her arms and leaping onto one building to the next. The lions clawed their way up to one building, dashing after them. Jenny gotten faster with her long, flexible legs. However, the Lions were faster and began to catch her. Jenny gotten slower with the weight and amount of running she had to have was slowly giving up on her. When the Lions  finally were able to catch up and reach to grab one of the children. An sudden shockwave slammed each of everyone on the ground, unfortunately some of lions landed at the bottom of building and Jenny landed on the edge of one building. Jenny protected each of the children with her arms and shivered. When the wave softened, she released the children and pointed to an ladder attach to the building. "Go..." Jenny weakly muttered and fell deep asleep. The children hurried away except for Billy who refused to leave without Jenny. Billy pulled Jenny's legs and dragged her. Hannah noticed Billy's disappearance and alerted everyone. Misty gasped and was about to scream when she saw her own brother be snatched by an Lion.

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