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I remember momma and how she survived for me and my brother. She was tough and strong something I could never be if I tried. Momma would kill and slaughter for our food and keep her body warm for the blanket we yearn. Momma would fight lions and tigers, she didn't care about the blood she bled or the tears she drowned in as long me and my brother was safe. I used to think Momma was strongest thing until I met humans. Momma may have razor teeth but she didn't have bullets and powder. They plucked her weapons and skinned her blanket until she was no more but flesh and bones. The humans would lock us up in cages as if we were the criminals. I cried for my Momma while my brother stood strong and high. I remember the tears that my eyes witness that night having the last smell of home as We were placed in the vehicle. My brother kept me close until the humans moved us our cage as if it was nothing but garbage. We were forced into an arena with bars to keep us. Eyes would watch us from above as our body intensified but not my brother. He stood his growled and cursed at them. My brother tried to keep the humans away by biting and howling it only worked for so long. Until one day, when I woke up my brother was gone and it was only me shaking. Humans would hold me stick needles into me, bottle feed me and try an comfort me. As I full knowing that they stole away my brother, my mother, my freedom and I'll make sure that no animal would be injected to this.
"Officer Jenny?" Billy poked as I woke up from the beating. My eyes lowered from the bruised eyes, my lips were dry and my body flinched from Billy's paw. The weasel from before she sighed and snapped her fingers again. The lions from the back dragged my half dead body to the room and carried Billy along. How weak can an hyena be

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