It was just an dream?

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It felt dark and cold when Chase woke up, he was completely unfamiliar with the surroundings. An voice suddenly spoke behind him " Are you alright?" When the deep voice spoke, it some how manage to make his surroundings clear. Chase was riding in an limousine and sat across from the passenger in the corner of the car. " Yes...Just tired..." Chase widen his eyes to see the sovereign himself . Chase trying to open the car door but it seem impossible from the lack of untouchable handles. The handle would fade out by even the touch of it. "Alrighty sir! Are you excited to finally make humans illegal sir!" The driver spoke in an cheery voice . "I wouldn't say excited..." "how come?" "I'm much more relieved that my brother's killer is now running around like insects looking for any hole to be safe from the same victims fangs that he or she had killed." "Ah.." " Almost like he's here..." the sovereign turning his head to Chase. Chase shudder and stared into the deep black eyes until he spoke " wake up chase...We are here!" His surroundings turning into an wave of thoughts including the sovereign and that's when Chase woke up finally. That dream was when it started all the past nights of seeing deers and believed that deer he was sovereign himself. Chase smiled at Misty who was patting him to wake up from the bus for a while now.

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