School day Part 5

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When I was just an kid, I knew the world hated me. They hated me so much that it gave me scumbag of an father and lousy mother, I had survive on my own and I had to fight my own battles. My father didn't give two shits about me or my mom. That's why he left with some whore and never returned. Good riddance, he always forced me to like what he liked was sex, smoke, fighting, drugs and money. I rather enjoy my alone time with Carol (I'll talk about her soon enough) and writing something new everyday. My mother understood me most in the family, she wanted to become an painter, she painted such interesting canvases but my dad always doubted her abilities and so did mother was ambitious, smart, kind then next thing you know she's an drunk. My mother lost herself when well...I don't like talking about that so much and so does anyone in the family, It's gets all quiet when you mention the accident. I sometimes hear my mother cry herself to sleep while taking an shot, hating herself from it. I try and mend with her about it but she doesn't want to hear it. The only person who helped me relieve the stress was Carol. Carol was bright, chirpy bird that sat by me in class. She's one of the smartest mutants, you'll ever see and I even saw her be in the top ten mutants with the highest ranking. I like her but not so much her friend though. You know the type, the friend who doesn't give an damn about you if you had something for them like in this case was popularity. Although, I do like her the most out of the "popular" mutants, I don't know she seems less annoying than everyone else. As for example like Francesca is one of the most annoying mutants that the world has to offer and it offers a lot!  There's also something weird about the girl like she closes her eyes in random situations, it's freaky but I feel like it has to do with missing Carol. Maybe, she's mourning or grieving? I'm not sure but the only thing I am sure about is she knows something that people don't know, she seems sketchy ever since the incident. She has been quiet and less annoying about herself. I need to see her alone and fast! I know Sovereign is also suspicious about her and about the situation. He sends spies to watch her and take notes of her and report back to him. Lately, I just found the assistant principal Mr. Grittel recently and some very interesting pictures of her. It's mostly all the pictures that Carol enjoyed going to, she was there by herself. I feel almost bad for keeping this secret from her but I don't need anyone helping me find the truth of finding Carol dead or alive. - Fletcher

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