Final battle

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Liz panted and stumbled when she reached the top of the tower. "Jesus, why didn't I use the stairs?" Liz looked at the room she so happened to be in. Liz turned to all corners to see all the cameras around the city and underneath of it was control panels. "I'm in the control room of the entire city." "That's correct."  Liz turned to the voice. "Samuel?" Liz heard meat tear and stepped back. In the shadows of the room, big creaky footsteps would come into light as something would drag behind it. Liz stepped even further away to see the true Samuel. Samuel had been mutanted into some big bulky monster, Liz could see green veins pumping under his tender fur, but this wasn't last of it Liz noticed blood dripping from his teeth as the mayor of the city that once threw Liz out had lost of his limbs. "Don't I look perfect?" Samuel threw the mayor to the wall leaving a huge hole behind it. "Something that humans can never pass being." "What did you do, Samuel? What...did you do yourself?" "I made myself perfect for getting rid of your kind." "You know you don't have to  do this you can stop!" "No, I won't stop until your kind has ended from this world! So, it can finally be perfect! That's why I'm willing to destroy this city just to get rid of your kind! " "It can be perfect together!" "No, You humans will destroy everything just like you always do." "That's ironic coming from a guy who was willing to destroy a city." Samuel growled and slammed his fists. Liz used his arm to run up and scratch up his skin, this only mad him madder. Samuel glared at her with crazed eyes and threw her high into the wall. Liz weakly tried to stand from already feeling exhausted from that single punch. Samuel walked to her direction with a grin to ear to ear. "Your father destroyed everything he killed all of those innocents animals and humans just because he lost his way into his madness." Samuel stared down at me with a creepy mad smile that matched his crimson eyes. "How does it feel to hold the guilt of your father's?" Liz shakes her head "No, My father already paid the price with his life " Liz started to felt  her eyes water down her cheek. "Oh yes I would know since..." Samuel grabbed Liz's so forcefully "I killed him!" Samuel laughed with a insane tone and slammed Liz into the ground causing a large crack underneath. Liz cough out blood, trying to breathe. "He torture my mother and my friends." Samuel began tear up as well. "I was just a fawn...He hurt so many animals for what?! He kept failing and failing with no results! Our lives were nothing to him as if he knew we had no future at all." Samuel stared into her eyes and hallucinated her into the man who tortured his father for his own greater gain. Samuel screamed out a battle cry and slammed Liz once again into the floor causing it to shake. Liz screamed in agony not knowing how long she can take this pain. Samuel tried once more as Liz would use her legs to twist Samuel's arm into the wrong away. Samuel threw her into the balcony as she tried to retreated by crawling and could not use her legs from how numb they were. Samuel cracked his arm back into the place as he moved his body swaying to side happily. "I can sense that Chase is part of you and my brother isn't...That's probably one of the smartest thing you could've done!" Samuel chuckled as he hovered over Liz weak body."You have no idea how happy this is making me." Samuel picked up her legs and grew flustered on how she trembled against his touch. "I haven't had good workout! You almost make me want to keep you just for the pleasure of the hunt." Samuel dangled Liz away from the balcony and over hundreds feet in the air. "Any last words?" Liz used her claws scratch out his eyes as he released from the agony. Liz would look at him as she fell to her demise.

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