What is this?

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Chase knelt down, placing his finger on the wet grass. Chase being intrigued, he felt the soggy dirt crawl onto his hands. "What is this?" Chase turned his head away as the sun beamed into his eyes. " Is that an light?" Chase overflowing with curiosity and completely forgetting his mission. Chase reached his palm out to touch the bright light but it seem almost in invisible in his hand. Chase only now realizing that the burning bright bulb was the sun,something he learned in school. Chase started to stroll around,pointing at all the surface objects that he learned. "Mud...Tree...Sun...Plant...Fruit?" Chase froze when he saw strawberry bushes, the vines growing along the fence as the bright beaming sun reflecting on the sweet bush. " I didn't eat breakfast..." Chase shrugged and strolled over. Chase observing the berry in his palm before eating it. After an bite, he couldn't get enough of the sweet sugary taste. However, Chase hadn't realized just yet an creature lured behind...Eventually, Chase gotten an large stomach from how much he devoured in minutes . " okay now I have to focus and find my family!" Chase nodded, boosting himself with confidence and immediately gotten distracted with an humming bird that was across from him. Chase smiled and waved an strawberry only for the hummingbird. You see Chase didn't understand the far away concept, he hadn't realized that this hummingbird is an farmer and like all farmers they need to remove the pest from their food. The hummingbird gotten even closer, his sharpen beak grinding and his stance in attack mode. Chase who had just now realized that this was no normal hummingbird, it was bird ten times it's size, it had light greenish with an light bluish color to compliment it and lastly it had blood murderous eyes. "You want some?" Chase spoke quietly. " Do you know how long I try and get my fruit perfect for our Sovereign!" "Uh who's that?" " you're expecting me, you don't the Sovereign?! The ruler of all in this world?" In chase defense, he didn't pay attention in history. " you're scum! " the hummingbird shouted " I'll make meat pie out of you! For stealing my precious fruit!" The hummingbird grip Chase by the collar. "Yes...yes...We'll thicken you or better yet...we can breed you and make an company of fresh meat pies!" Chase squished Strawberry in his eyes and kicked the farmer's eyes until he released him. Chase sprinting away when the farmer wiped away the juice and seeds "Grab him!" This alerting the other birds to capture. They immediately chased Chase who was running for his dear life. The birds started to catch up to chase, snapping their sharp beaks at his feet. Chase used this opportunity to use their beaks for him to leap into the trees tearing out an vine and dropping onto an bird's back. He used the vines to use as an stirring wheel, forced on control of the bird. The rest of the birds followed, snapping at the human while the controlled bird started to chew up the vine. Chase running out of ideas and out of breath. Out of no where, an tree stump tangled with the controlled bird's feet causing Chase leap forward onto an dock. Chase grunted and stared into menacing hungry eyes. The birds gotten closer as they opened their beak to swallow.

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