The return of the black market

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"Hey , are you okay?" Chase sat down beside Liz. "I don't know what to do..." Liz moving her feet on the edge of her grandpa's restaurant. "What do you mean?"" I want to save people at the black market but I don't want to cause you or my family get in danger." "I guess you can understand how risky it can be..." "Yeah far too much..." Liz wilted her head and sighed. "You know...we can go back there if we're really careful?" "I'm not so sure..." "We have been training for days..." "But where would we keep them?" "I remember the bunker where I used to stay in!" "I'm not so-" Chase and Liz turned to the sound of thudding where it headed to the black market. Chase nodded his head to Liz as they both leaped over buildings to see over the attack. When finally Liz and Chase reached the the alleyway they couldn't believe their eyes. An large grey cat was attacking the workers and swallowing all of the human meat. Chase was the first to jump off with his mask in place and held the staff close to chest. At first the cat didn't seem to care so much and continued to carry on. The mutants tried to keep the cat calm but the cat refused and pushed them aside. Chase blocked himself in front of any mutants that tried to come near it and stood his ground. The cat was immediately attracted to Chase and growled. Chase had to get the beast away from the people and used his staff to provoke it as much as possible. The cat seemed unimpressed and swiped its paw on the staff. "Oh...Dear.." Chase ran off with an large cat following him. Chase trying to lose the cat in the alley ways but the increased sense of smell couldn't stop it. In one of the corner's of the chase, Chase started to climb up on building as the cat followed. It's large paws scratching up the brick buildings like an cat post and chased after him. Liz jumped in and leaped onto the cat's fur. The cat moved around like an out of control of bull and Liz tried to hold on as much as she could. Chase climbed up highest building and not realizing the cat wasn't behind him. The cat finally had enough of Liz and swung her back into the dark alley way, wounded. Chase only realized what has happened when the cat leaped onto the building, hissing. Chase backed away when the cat got onto building. The cat hissed and backed Chase into an corner. Chase looked into the cat's eyes and only saw Samantha's fearful despair. "Samatha? Is that?" Chase recklessly went closer to the creature and carefully raised out his hand. "You're going to be okay just breathe." the cat followed the soft breathing and settled down. Samatha couldn't describe what she felt but suddenly felt peace. The serum started to run out and so did Samantha's energy as she fell. Chase without an second thought followed her and without knowing the causes.

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