The watcher

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When Samantha woke up the fox was gone , however not the photo. Samantha sobbed out loud missing her friend so dearly. Samantha regretted not being by her side and not convincing to stay away from the place. Samantha however did not regret lying to Officer Jenny of Carol's disappearance and maybe a little to her parents. Carol wasn't the only missing student at the school and was believed that the humans stole her away. Samantha did not see the guards face but doubted that any of the animals would steal her away. Why would they? Why would sovereign swipe animals away after he saved us and promised to protect us? It must of been some humans hiding out on sovereign's statue? Samantha sniffled and wiped her tear. She just wanted to go home and just sob. Although, she remembered her two idiotic boys were staying there too! Samantha instead wanted to head to Carol's favorite place that maybe her spirits might be lifted. When Samantha walked out of the forest, the assistant principal was snapping pictures of the scene. In the high branches, there stood an sneaky fox watching the both and collecting notes.

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