The truth?

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"So she's the daughter of the Dr. Brown?" Chase nodded. Morty put his hoof to his fuzzy chin and pondered. "Interesting..." Chase stared at Morty when he spoke. " Tell me about my parents, please." " Well, let's see..." Chase started to tip over from the tension of the round when the sand climbed up from the ground to tell it's story. " I had twin brother and baby sister." The sand build up to make the figures of three deers in the pine tree forest. " Apparently we lived in farm- an experiment farm. In the middle of the farm was an old cottage where the humans lived." In the sandy pine trees was made space for the small structure in the middle. "One day, when I was eating my grass on the edge of the road I saw your dad." The sand smoothed part of the land to create an miniature moving car. "Wait my dad was an scientist?" Chase asked. "Oh yes! An very good one in fact." Morty smiled and continued the story.
" I watched them at the first night. Your parents were happy especially your father. One day, I caught your father making tent and he may be a good scientist but not an good builder." Morty chuckled to himself. "When he was finally finished, he took me inside and cared for me. My brother gotten the wrong idea and one night attacked..." the sand vibrated exposing the event, Sammy broke inside using his antlers and attacked the family in bed. He accidentally pushed around the serums and evolved into talking being. Out of fear, Sammy ran off with the serum to create more of himself. Chase watched in gasp as the sand started to rise up and swallow Chase into the empty darkness.

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