Family troubles

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Mr. B dashing out of scene as the clacking engines moved closer. Mrs. Calico finding shelter in an  the construction of the sovereign's next statue would happen. People would shriek when they saw the iron stork, never seeing something quite like it. The mutants would flee into the city as the stork only targeted the family. Mrs. Calico brought Lily close to her chest as she scrambled to find her husband. Mr. B standing in front of red beamed eyeing monster with frustration. Mr. B preparing himself to attack and his wife barley could watch. His wife distracted by her husband's foolish that she didn't realize that Lily went off on her to her papa. The machine now more interested in the baby had flew towards it and leaving Mr. B with an fit of rage. Mr. B dashing with full strength and speed and sucker punched the machine's eye. Mr. B leaving an hole into the eye and not sure how the metal works. Mr. B actually left an way that the electricity could escape and shoot it's way to Mr.B's body. Mr. B screamed in agony and collapsing into the ground. Lily would sprint to her father nearly dead until an sudden angry mom came out and not just any mom an colossal mutant mother .
After the mother ripped out the stork's mechanic heart in an single swing with her claw. "Pathetic." The mother punched the stork right in the beak causing it to fall backwards. "Great one honey..." Mrs. Calico turned to Mr. B not with passionate love but with spite and anger. Mrs. Calico disgusted by her husband's actions and thoughts leading up to this moment. Her husband willing let an potential disaster, he didn't even knew what was going on with his children which was his job and all she does is clean after them. That's all she ever does... That lone thought could make her shiver and tremble. Mrs. Calico would face her husband with two claws ready to slam him into the ground. When suddenly an sweet face would look up at her...Lily. Mrs. Calico started to sob as the innocent look of  Lily reminded her that not to listen to this new and horrid thoughts. Mrs. Calico would shrink down into her regular size and collapsed into an sleep. Lily watched over her parents until help came.

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