School day part 3

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Misty stood at the bus stop by herself, no human or Billy. Although, Samatha was with her , she acted like she had no family. Misty sat by herself and over hearing the nasty mutters that the kids said about her. Misty was different due to her lack of anyone willing to hear her rants and awkward suggestions. Misty sulked in her chair until the bus made it to her pre-school. Misty had her daily routine of her being mocked and having to quietly deal with it. At recess, Misty sat under an old willow tree, reading more about humans. An couple of young flamingos were walking over to her, giggling like an bunch of hyenas. "Oooh! Look who it is sister an nasty little flea!" The other flamingo laughed at her twin sisters joke. The two twins wore the same white flowery dress and the identical pairs of bows. Misty ignored the sisters and continued reading. "How dare she ignore us!" One flamingo called out as the other pulled Misty's hands off the book. It took some time for two egg brain birds to read the title before yelling "Reading about humans?! Eww!" "It's almost as disgusting as you!" One lamely called out. "Can I have it back now?" Misty said in an calm volume. "How can you when it's nothing but shreds of paper?" "What do yo-" The flamingos tore the book in half and shredded every little page of the thick book. Misty watched her book become nothing but an pile of streamers as her classmates laughed at her misery. The flamingos joined along until they spotted the pictures that she took of Chase that she tucked in that book. " An human? You saw an human?!" The flamingos exchange looks in fear at first but slowly turned into nastiness grin that Misty ever did see. "We'll tell on you and make sure your daddy gets in trouble with the law!" The flamingos laughed at their plot  and unexpected an full claw grip of their necks. Misty squeezed their long pink feathery necks and pierced her claws deeper. "Try it...And I'll kill you without hesitation." Misty glared at them with wide cat eye, she never saw this aggression from herself before. Perhaps it was the amount of crap, she took from her classmates and her siblings or even that she cared about Chase this much? The classmates gasped at the sight when Misty released the two headed feather brains. The twins cried and wailed, dashing away. The classmates look at one another before they  said "Get her!" "Before she'll try and kill us all!" "She hurt my friends!" Misty stared at the mob, she grabbed her pictures and dashed in the woods.

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