Deep hole

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" So you're Jacob correct?" Chase didn't answer but only clenched his hand onto his clothes. The fear ate up inside him, the fear of ruining an family who helped him and an fear of ruining his chances to be with his parents.  Sammy only stared at Chase for an little bit before moving to Samantha. "You do know you broke a lot of laws today." "I could say the same thing." Samantha snapped back. "Im doing what's best for this world and I know what's best." "Is kidnapping EFY students make this world an better place because it's not! Your hurting innocent creatures!" "I'm just taking out the insects of this world." "Wait...what do you mean?" "What I mean is, that I only used the ones who will cause an problem for this new world. For example, traitors like your friend don't deserve to speak and slow minded students should learn how to yourself. You were quite lucky that your friend saved you cause you would of been next on the list." Samantha eyes popped as her teeth gritted. "You do realize that I'm an Carnivore and your just an herbivore! I could slit out your throat so easily you won't even feel it!" Sammy only chuckled and smiled. Samantha immediately gasped and leaned back into her chair. Sammy's smile was horrendous to glance upon, an string of fat tangled along his reddish teeth and his grin curling. " is that possible...your an-" "An herbivore? Oh I know, I took some adjustment to make myself much more capable." Samantha finally seemed enough and clenched onto the car seat door handle. Sammy starred at her and with  an single punch in the gut Samantha was out like an light. Sammy sat more comfortably in his seat as Chase tried to help Samantha on the seat. "So as I was saying...You're Jacob correct?"

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