Meeting an old friend

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Samantha eyes widen when it was just her in the halls and the assistant headmaster. "Samantha, you had one of the episodes again." Samantha didn't reply but only look at the picture of Carol. "The headmaster wants you now." Samantha nodded and followed the assistant down the halls and into the official office. Samantha was offered to sit across from the headmaster. "Samantha, I hope you know when I speak, I speak for the whole staff. You have been scaring us so much that I want to ask how is life at home and wether you should come to EFY." "Life is fine at home." "Rumors say you been hiding out an human, Is it true?" Samantha noticed the sneaky black masked critter hid his phone close to his pocket. "No sir, I have been not hiding an human." Samantha said calmly, full knowing she was on speaker and She could hear the soft breathing through the speaker. "Fine fine, I hope your not lying to me because this school doesn't like liars." "I know sir and I don't either." " Let's call home shall, we?" "Why?" "Well these daily episodes are clearly you grieving over your friend and I will fully respect that you need to go home and rest. I'll call home for your parents to pick you up-" "My family won't answer." "Why is that?" "My father is busy making money for our family and my mother is taking care of my baby sister lily and the house." The headmaster scratched his head until he finally spoke. "Alright then, take your things and leave." Samantha nodded and left the room. When Samantha left the headmaster whispered something into the assistant. Samantha instead walked out the back door. Samantha walked around the ruined stadium as she closed her eyes. The wind gently pushing her to get listen to it and when she opened her eyes.
Samantha was siting on the stadium waiting for her "date" holding her supplies and books. Samantha looked shocked that Carol was the one who was there. Carol walked up to her "Are you the caller?" Samantha bit her lip, never realizing that Carol had financial problems. "Are you-" Carol brushed her off, she collected the materials, the money and left in an hurry. Samantha had deep aching in her stomach of guilt. Samantha no idea that Carol was in such money trouble and she didn't even try and help! Samantha wanted to make it up to her old friend. Samantha about to follow Carol when she felt something flash between her face and eyes.

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