Finding Carol

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Samantha and Fletcher carefully climbed down the vent into an lab. Fletcher would take pictures while Samantha inspected the room. The lab had its counters cover the edges of the room, spare tables with empty bottles and books lying ontop. Samantha had snatched two white coats and found an container of greenish syringes next to it. Samantha used the spare around gloves to pick it up and kept it close to her. Samantha pulled out an security card in the abandoned lab coat but the thing that most widen her eyes was the dried blood splattered onto it. Samantha didn't have to do this, she could of carried off to the back of the class and have an normal life. Samantha didn't have to regret for breaking an entry for chance to save Carol who can or cannot be here. However she did, she had to save her friend no matter what to become an better person and an better friend. Samantha wore the lab coat and offered it to Fletcher. Fletcher obviously agreed and walked out the door. Fletcher and Samantha walked down the halls. Fletcher finally spoke and in the silent halls. "Carol would be proud of you...I mean If I was her, I would be proud of you." "Thank you Fletcher" Samantha said with an smile. Fletcher walked beside her with his fingers reaching for hers but he hesitated. Samantha obviously had a lot on her mind like risking her entire life for her friend, risking her family, her career opportunities and risking friendships. "Your an good friend, Fletcher. Thank you for keeping an eye on Carol when I was being stupid." Fletcher softly smiled and pulled his hand away. "No problem." Fletcher and Samantha saw themselves against an high glass security door. Samantha placed in the card in card lot as the door unlocked for them. Samantha and Fletcher walked inside with deep breaths. An traffic of scientists waking along the polish halls speaking to one another. "I think we should split up." Fletcher finally announced, Samantha half heartedly agreed. They both split up to find Carol.
Fletcher walked causal around the guards, whistling with stern confidence. The more he walked down the halls, the more of manure and blood. He followed the horrific smell and froze to see what it was. An actual bear trapped in glass wide cage, growling. The more Fletcher looked into the cage, the more terrifying it was. Fletcher could see fresh blood lying there in the cage with an handful of uneaten flesh with it's bone sticking out. Fletcher turned to across of the cage, hopefully for something light hearted. It was quite the opposite, an fully grown tiger still eating the flesh off an human. Fletcher stumbled around in his bag and pulled out pictures of the missing children. It's been months and even year for some of them. Fletcher continued to walk forward having each of the missing children pictures in hand.  The more he past now untamed animals the more of the similarities were in the pictures. Then something hit Fletcher in his head and that was mere thought of Carol forced to be wild animal as she was before. Carol was next to an empty cages that echoed her chirps and squawks. Fletcher began to run as fast as he could until he saw an bird of any nature. Fletcher finally stopped when he saw an feral falcon sitting along the fake branches. Fletcher immediately noticed the similarities of Carol and gasped. "We're too late..." Fletcher had watery eyes and put his paw against the window. "What did they do to you?" He wanted to cry his eyes out so bad and just slum onto the floor. Fletcher should of never convince Carol to go with him in his investigation. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Fletcher leaned his head on the glass in shame as Carol chirped. Fletcher took deep breaths and widen his yellow sunflower color eyes. Fletcher growled out of spite and guilt. Fletcher used his anger in his claws to clash out the glass that was holding them. Fletcher didn't stop when the glass and ignored his bleeding fingers. When the glass finally shattered and the alarms went off. He didn't seem to care about the alarms and just wanted Carol away from this place. Carol flew onto his shoulder, squawking. "Let's go-" Fletcher turned around to face Harper. Harper froze in shock "What the hell is going on?!" "How did you even get in here?!" "I'm an possum! Any building is my home!" "We have to leave now!" Fletcher and Harper about to turn the other way but unfortunately back up was arrived. With bulls and rhinoceros wearing heavy armor. Harper turned to her small created hole in the ground and Fletcher followed. "How did you make holes in the building without anything collapsing?" "Wait...The building can collapse if I make holes?" Fletcher immediately knew he was doomed.
Meanwhile, Samantha walked around trying not to call attention to herself and looked for any doors with information. The doctors whom roamed the halls  would barely give her look when they walked by and probably didn't think they needed to. Samantha was going too many deep ends and too many stares from the guards. Suddenly, Samantha came across an door with an guard blocking it. Samantha stared at the security card and smiled at how the picture represent an cat. Samantha smirked, realizing how easy this became. Samantha walked up to the guard and held out the card. "You're Dr. Thompson?" Samantha nodded. "Why isn't your fur orange then?" Samantha looked down at her grey fur and smiled. "I'm just getting old." "Is that how it works? Huh anyway, what's with the blood." "I accidentally cut myself and the blood landed on it." The rhinoceros scratched its chin "I suppose that can happen...Do mind if I hold onto it just to get an better look?" "Uh sure?" Samantha smiled and walked inside. Samantha immediately dashed around in the small room for any information of Carol. Samantha found an unlocked computer having all of the information of their patients to A to Z. Samantha dreaming of seeing Carol's face once more and imagining all the time they would share once again. Samantha searched up in the C column while she waited for the computer to load to started to day dream of Carol's reaction and when she turned back to the computer it was still loading. Samantha bring her impatient self and poke around the room. Samantha saw an freshly written paper of names of their patients. Samantha trailed her eyes down the paper and her eyes darted with the "Jacob's Parents." Samantha widened her mouth and memorized the cage number. Finally the computer turned on and gave Samantha access. Before Samantha could even try and lift her paw on the mouse. The rhinoceros realized " Wait an minute, I remember this guy I should know since I killed him!" Samantha gulped.

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