The revival

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Liz stumbled into her grandfather's restaurant, sobbing. Her grandfather who just closed the restaurant had gasped to see his beloved covered in an boy's blood. Liz still holding onto Chase as her grandfather help them inside. Her grandfather didn't say anything the entire time even though he had an loads of questions but he was thinking it can wait after Liz calmed down. Liz sat Chase down beside her bed and softly looked into Chase's heartless body. "I'm so sorry...I should of been strong enough to save you..." Her grandfather would hug her and squeeze. Liz would slowly open up about everything she felt about him, the situation  and what happened. " I don't think I'm strong enough..." "okay." Liz turned to him with an flabbergasted look. "Okay? Your not going to give me an pep talk?" "I mean I don't blame you for everything that happened and it's okay you get doubt s it's normal. If you truly don't believe you can do it then don't do it. People are supposed to cheer you on but they should never force you. Look get some sleep and maybe you'll get your answer." Her grandfather was willing to clean up after the restaurant and leaving Liz alone. Liz would lay in the dark full of her thoughts as she pondered the blood on her fur would absorb into her skin.
Liz finally found herself in deepest parts in her mind alone, feeling of pressure and guilt. As Liz walked further into her mind, she could feel the dried grass crumbled underneath her, the trees would wilt and rotten. Liz could hear the trees speak to her, whispering. "She is the reason we hide in burrows, She's the reason we starve and the reason we cry." "Shut up..." the whispering was louder as Liz closed her ears. "I'm sorry! Just please shut up!" The trees would scream it and some even mimicked her. Liz couldn't bare their imitating voices of confusion and anger "SHUT THE HELL UP! It's not my fault!" The trees now silent and quiet. When Liz finally opened her fragile eyes to see an mirror in front of her that represents the worst part of her...the mutant part... An wolf covered in black fur with tears eyes would stare back at Liz in the reflection. Liz would cry knowing what an monster she is and how she was outcasted by it. In her whimper, an sudden light bounced off her as she gasped at what it was. " Liz...are you okay?" "Oh my god.." Chase stood next to the wolf in the mirror however not her directly. "What...How...Why..." "So that's how Mortimer transfused into my body...The blood of his inside me...Eww!" Liz would laugh at Chase's immature comments but she was much too stunned. "What?" Chase would explain everything that happened with Mortimer and Sammy. "So yeah..." "wait so what does this mean for me?" "I'm not sure...But all I just wanted to say is...I'm sorry..." "You are sorry? For what?" "I don't know pressuring you...I mean I don't mean to pressure you I just want the best for you..." "I know...I know you're just trying to help...But I'm just not sure if I can." "Hey...Even if everything goes wrong...You still went further than most people...You need courage to do the right thing and that's what makes you special." Liz eyes watered and chuckled. "It's hard to believe that you were the goofy kid...what happened?" "Life" Liz would step closer to the mirror and feeling an sudden connection. Liz would raise out her hand to Chase as the hand slowly slid between the glass.Chase's skin would crawl with feathers and Liz's skin would grow with fur. The fur and feathers crawled close to each other before there was an spark that shot them both back.  Before Liz could even ask an sudden light of shine above them. "You're waking up! Whatever you do, do the right thing!"  "Wait!" Liz exclaimed as she woke up.

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