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"We need you all evacuate!" Samantha waving her arms and backing away the citizens from the monstrous Gorilla. The citizens screamed and ran away from the red eye destructive beast. Samantha would run more into city as Jenny stand in front of her city, protectively. The Gorilla didn't care at first, but Jenny make a large leap and  puncture half of the Gorillas face. Jenny landed on her two feet still stumbling after her transformation. The Gorilla looked pissed having half exposed generator in his head. The Gorilla continued to pound his fists onto Jenny as she screamed in agony. Samantha looked shocked and turned to the scared citizens. She had no choice, but to be strong for her city and her friends. "Everyone! Jenny needs our help to save our precious city! We can't let her hold all the responsibility on her own, we all need to fight together to defeat this thing!" The citizens still not looking convinced,looking over at the humans. Chase's parents frighten at the sight of hungry animals when Fletcher blocked their glances. "They aren't food! They are our are friends!" "Why should we be friends with humans? They had been eating us first!" "They deserve this!" The citizens shouted out, angrily. " If they deserve this, you all deserve this too!" Samantha screamed louder than anyone in the crowd. "We all are just as bad as them! You say you all aren't human, but you all act like one! We lie, run and just want to be first! Even this city is almost replicated of human cities! Everything that we built is so similar to humans that we even can get inspired by them! Humans are just like us, they are beasts when it comes to power cause they remove the weaklings and their enemies at any cost! Let me ask you something, if you knew your child was lost in a dangerous world, would you do everything you can to save them? That's what these humans did, they tried to save their son from this world! You see they are just like us! That's why if we destroy this machine, we all can be finally treated like equal!" The citizens cheered and charged to the machine. They would slam their hooves, claws scratching open the metal and teeth piercing inside. Quickly, the machine collapsed into parts and after a couple of cheers they all turn to a girl who had to face the final battle by her own climbing up the sovereign's territory. Afterwards, They all turn to a mysterious figure with concerned faces. "Liz, you got this..."

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