Final Battle part 2

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Warning; If you feel uncomfortable about reading about blood and gore then please go ahead and skip this chapter, Thank you.
Liz woke up restrained to a chair in a lab where she believed that died so very long ago. "Just stay there, sweetie." Liz winced to her own father voice as she struggled against the the right rope. Liz knew exactly where she was and what trouble she was in. This was during time where no believed in her father , but Elizabeth did. Liz was only four at the time when she offered to take the place of human subjects. At first her father was gentle then as the labs continued the more her father became mad with power. Her father overly obsessed of making Liz into a machine, but it wasn't her dream. The guilt of shaming of her father was far to great for her and she sometimes wondered if she said something maybe her mom would still be with him. Liz started to sob out thick tears as her father squeezed in the syringe into her blood. Liz would grunt and groan as the purple serum moved through her blood stream. Liz would scream in agony and shaking the entire chair. "Is this what feels like when you get stabbed all around your body? Letting the blood just fall out or having brain surgery while still awake?" Liz thought to herself unable how long she can take the pain and pressure. Liz only closed her eyes for a second when she opened it she saw a peak holes of seeing the terrified faces of watching her drop and one special one was Chase sitting at a lake, waiting. Liz muster up all the courage to fight through the agony to pull up the metal chair from the chained ground. Liz screamed when she only got half way to the peak hole "I can't do it! Chase please! Give me help!" Chase came over the peak hole, trying to reach out for her. "I can only get so far! You'll need go closer!" "I can't! It's so heavy!" "Liz, You told me to never give up and that's exactly what you need!" Liz tried to stand with her legs shaking rapidly. "Just give me your hand!" Liz tried to reach coming closer as she cried out in pain. The only thing that kept her going was the touch of Chase's lips and how they would feel against hers. "You're doing it!" Liz grabbed onto Chase's hands and pushed herself onto him. Liz kissed him so passionately not knowing if this was the last time she would ever see him. Liz started to spark into colors as Chase joined in on the kiss. Chase's yellow sparks would combine with Liz's making a uneven cohesion color with each other. "Hey this is what happened a couple chapters ago!" "Chapters?" Liz stopped and raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell you later." Liz continued to kiss him more and felt a powerful force inside her grow and so in chase as well.
Liz woke up in the air and could feel the two winged feathers in her back when she realized that Chase was truly with her. Liz dived up in the sky with half of the knowledge that Chase had. Samuel would widen his eyes "Ugh, Can't you just die already?" Samuel reached out his hand to catch her, but she swiftly avoided his grabbed and swiped her feet up his chin. However, Samuel fell back just a couple feet and fixed his structure chin. Samuel roared and chased up to Liz and threw her into the many walls behind. "God, I hate children." Samuel would watch for any movement until he saw a purple and yellow light in the distance. Samuel came closer to the light then he saw big round yellow and purple eyes and a sudden tremble moved through his muscled ankles. An enormous grey wolf sprinting towards Samuel and heading butting Samuel's stomach so much that it lifted him off into another building. The grey wolf would move closer to light having hidden feathers under their fur. The wolf leap over the balcony showing it powerful wings gliding to Samuel's fall. The wolf noticed the huge crack in the ceiling of the building, but there wasn't any sight of Samuel. The wolf's ears flinched when it heard a huge pressure in the air and noticed Samuel was going to arrive with a surprise attack. The wolf swung his body away from Samuel's line sight and turned to his other side that seem vulnerable. The wolf bit onto his legs and with a potent energy, they threw him into an a glass building. The wolf watched Samuel stumble around the glass piercing into his skin. Samuel made a massive leap back to building trying to punch the huge feather dog, but they would repeatedly dodge. "You both are just cowards hiding under that heavy dog fur and not fighting being in your human body! I'm guessing I shouldn't be surprised from the guy who killed himself cause he was to weak to defeat my brother." Liz blood boiled and charged right at him with a mighty roar. The wolf didn't know that Samuel waited for them to attack so he can make them eat the glass shards stuck into his flesh as the wolf's snout bleed. "I'm sorry, Chase!" Liz pleaded in her head "He can regenerate himself!" "It's fine, Liz! Just don't let him get us again." The wolf tried to wipe away the shards, but forcefully kicked it off the building. Samuel leaped after the the wolf with bright crimson eyes hungry for blood. Samuel continued to beat the living shit out of the wolf as it leaked out blood and flesh wounds."By the way how do you like my new and better body, Chase?! I used so many animals and humans just to create me a perfect body!" Samuel laugh before biting hard onto the wounds trying to tear out the tough flesh . The wolf roared and flipped around catching Samuel with their mouth and repeatedly flying  through buildings fracturing Samuel's skeletonal system. Samuel cried out and pressed more pain onto the wolf's already wounded snout. The wolf threw him into a building that was very close to the black market. Samuel fell through at least twenty floors before reaching the bottom. Samuel was laying against the meat grinder where all the prepared human cattle were. The wolf carefully flew down the rubble and saw the half fleshed Samuel laying there, laughing. "You know what's funny?" The wolf was silent had serious glare. "That you'll die here just like the rest of them!" Samuel stood up to charge at them before noticing that his antlers were stuck in the machine. "No, You are! You made me do so many bad things cause I thought that they were Mortimer when reality you both are jerks! Then you tried to get rid of me well I won't be your little puppet anymore! Anna forcefully pressed the red button as she turned away from Samuel.  Samuel would scream out in anguish and torment, but not for long since his cranium was to first to be crushed into the metal jaws, the flesh would easily tear off.The tendons, bones and tissues would be mushed up together as blood gushing everywhere. In the moving trail new packets of meat packages would follow out and one in particular had so much meat that the bag wouldn't seal all the way, so it had mushy splattered behind. The wolf would gag at the sight making this the last straw for it to handle as it collapsed to the ground.

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