Strange dream

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Of course when Chase was returned home with an strong grip on his arm. Mr. B and his wife were not pleased, they promised each other to take care of Chase as their own and they did. Chase was grounded for an week and suspended from school just for an couple of days. One night, he saw the most interesting dream of them all. Chase found himself on an red cushion step stool in the corner of an gold pattern bedroom. Chase noticed the sovereign pacing in an circle, anxiously. Immediately after the room got clearer, he saw an female deer wearing an light white gown. " Oh what is it, dear brother?" She spoke in an very tranquility voice. "My dear sister Anna, I fear the worst is among us!" "What ever do you mean?" She stood up to comfort her brother. " The killer I sense him!" "How?! We slaughtered millions of children and families!" "It wasn't enough! This sick bastard doesn't care to bring himself in even if the world collapsed!" "How did you sense him, brother?" " I saw him in the alley! He was running with someone! I wasn't too sure but before I knew it was too late..." "oh my dear brother!" " Sister, I must warn you but to keep an close eye, you can never be so sure..." The sovereign turned his head to the puzzle Chase. " Now can you Chase?" The room slowly corrupt into inky muck and writing on the walls started to drown in as well " He's lying" or "don't listen to him!". Anna's body melted into nothingness and stirred in the black emptiness. The  sovereign body glitched an moved into the now dark hallways. His scarf flagging in the wind slowly morphing into an long cape covering his body and legs. He spoke in an gently kind voice when he said "Hello Jake , I've been waiting for you." Chase freaked and fell backwards in shock. "The sovereign sees me!" The deer laughed and smiled. "Oh Jake, fear not for I'm Mortimer! Or you can call me Morty for short." "So you're not the sovereign?" "You mean Sammy? Oh heavens no." "Sammy?""My twin brother" " Why do I have keep having these dreams and seeing you both?!" " Oh these are mere visions of what I seen." "Of what you seen? Why is it in my head?" " Well because I'm connected to you." "How?" "Simple, you're part mutant!" "Part- what?!" The deer looked above seeing light come through the darkness. "Tomorrow I will explain but now you must wake up." The light beamed brighter and brighter until the deer and Chase faded away.

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