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Samantha sat herself on an bench in a nearby park. Samantha watching the families of animals speak cheerfully to each other as she sulked down to her seat. Samantha remembered that Carol and her loved this park and loved to run around in the summer. This was the first time Carol ever flew, she was ambitious to fly that after two days of trying she did. Samantha thought that was the best thing to ever watch someone do for the first time. Samantha sat alone in her guilt of her friend being snatched away or even-No Samantha thought I don't want to think someone even worse happened to her. Samantha held her claws into her palm, frustrated from her past ignorance and stupidity. Samantha mourning over her past had no idea that quiet flashes captured the scene. The assistant principal writing down notes and taking an flash from afar. The fox gritted his teeth, watching them both be oblivious to their own surroundings and trying to abstract an plan. When Samantha finally got up to leave and go home. Right when the assist principal was about to reread the notes and glance over the pictures. The fox leaped out hid hidden tree, he pressured his feet to stomp onto the assistant principal face and making the assistant have no choice but to release the pictures. The fox stepped over the guy without care to see all of the months amount of pictures he was taking. He felt vile to even see an old mutant even do this to an young one. He released his weight off him and let him speak. The old mutant coughed and choked for some air. The fox crossed his arms before noticing his missing glasses. The fox snatched up the muddy glasses and shattered it with the palm of his claw. The assistant principal sniffed through the dirt trying to find them, unaware of the previous events. "Mr. Grittle, why are you spying on young girls? Don't you know you can get sacked?" The long nose, fuzzy fur mutant finally stood up. "Who are you? Where is my glasses?" "Answer mine first sir." "I don't need to speak to-" The fox had no hesitation and kicked Mr. Grittle back onto the mud. "Answer them or I'll have no choice but to spread the word out that your nothing but an creep that watches youthful mutants in his spare time! I don't think that would give you an good look and especially not to parents that go to the school you work at?" The mole grunted and tried to stand up once more but the fox's foot stepped onto his head, drowning him in his own tears and dirt. "I don't know why!" Mr. Grittle cried out " I was asked to take pictures of her and note down details!" "Why?" "I'm telling you I don't know!" "Then who does?" There was empty silence of tears and whimpers. The fox sighed and pushed Mr. Grittle's head more into the ground until he started to eat the sloppy dirt mixed with his tears. "The sovereign!" Suddenly the pressure of the fox's feet was lifted, Mr. Grittle lifted his head and smelled no one around him. He tried to find the picture but every last once of them were gone. He put his nose to ground to smell who was behind this. "Fletcher.."

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