The case contuines

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Chase was thrown on the floor, grunting. Liz hovered over him with her staff. "Ow..." "come on, get up you need to continue training!" Liz repeatedly poked him until he was agitated enough to get up. Liz stood across from him, waiting for his first attack. "You need to channel your strength!" Chase charged at her with full speed of his legs. Liz sighed, she twisted the staff onto Chase's hands, locking them as he struggled to push the staff away. "Channel it! Channel your anger and strength! Think about your family, the lies and-" Chase lifted his hands along with the staff and kicked Liz's stomach. Liz grunted, trying to keep her ground still. Liz used the strength that she was given by her father from the serum to slam Chase's back with her staff. Chase groaned, exhausted and wounded. "Let's get you home." Liz spoke in an softer voice and helped him to stand.
Chase Stumbled into the house tired, wounded and miserable. Chase  leaped onto the fur covered couch, groaning. The baby kitten Lily sat next to him, playing with her plushies. Chase wanting to rest his eyes but Mrs. Calico stood in front of him in crossed arms. "You have been missing out on your homework! You promised to do them everyday! You only have two more days before your back to ECF. The only reason we let you go out and not hold you in this house is that you we want you to be able to protect yourself! " Chase sighed, having to stand up to head to his dorm room to finish his homework.
Meanwhile, Misty, Mike, Hannah and Billy were waiting for the results. "Hey! If you and Chase don't work out then can we both-" "I'm good, Mike." Misty used her books to detect the DNA using examples of every kinds of animals. Suddenly Misty scratched her hand, confused. "What's the matter?" Billy asked as the three looked concerned. "This doesn't make any sense! How can several types of animal be in he or shes blood!" "Wait what do you mean?" The three looked even more concerned. "There is cold blooded and warm blooded species in this blood." Misty showed them her book with all of the examples of animals. "Half of animals in this blood were at your school yesterday so we have no choice but to break in the school and steal the footage!" The three children had exchanged looks " Do we really have to do that?" Hannah asked. "We want to know who was the Lion, don't we?" The children sighed, having no choice but to agree. Their curiosity was too overwhelming for them to step away unfortunately.
Samantha sat on her bed, sighing unable to think. Samantha was to concentrated to notice Fletcher climbed to her window, trying to get her attention. Fletcher threw one of her stuffed animals at her and made Samantha gasped seeing the very creep who took pictures of her. " Get the hell out!" Fletcher stared at her and spoke softly "It's about Carol..." Samantha gotten quiet and turned away from him. "I believed she is alive, I know it wasn't your fault for whatever you did." Samantha didn't move an muscle for an second until Fletcher realized she was sobbing. "She would never forgive me!" Fletcher climbed in inside and knelt down to her level. "Carol really liked you and she wanted you to be happy." "How do you even know this?" "I was her friend and I thought you deserved to know." Samantha looked at him, feeling like there was something he wasn't telling her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "You know something about her, don't you?" Samantha turned herself slowly to his direction, she knew was going get information out of him some way or another.

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