The Camera footage

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"This is an really bad idea." Hannah reminded the group. The group snuck out from their happy cozy homes that morning, Misty began to doubt the investigation, I mean she was just an kitten not an actual scientist. Misty tried to tuck away the thoughts into her brain and continued on. However, Billy the only one disturbed for returning to ECF The group glanced up at the secured ECF with tapes and heads of ECF in front. The group tuck their selves behind an bushy grass. Officer Jenny held her chest out, proudly showing off her badges. She turned from the corner to the staff,"Look it's Officer Jenny!" Mike spoke out and Billy had no choice but to him pin to the ground. Offer Jenny turned to the sound with her teeth grinding in her jaw. "Please ma'am, the sent services are coming." Just as the slithering headmaster spoke an large van of white labs coat mutants stepped out of the park van. They looked around at their Surroundings then stared at Officer Jenny. "Why is there an traffic officer here? We were told you had the building fully secured!" One weasel of the group, spoke. "Ma'am we were told that she was one of the best officers-" the weasel scoffed. " An hyena?! Oh please, they're nothing but criminal laughing dogs." Officer Jenny now forgetting the short yell and turning to the arrogant weasel. "I'm just like any other animal!" Officer Jenny gotten closer, growling. Jenny wanted to hurt, scrape and pierce those who doubted her but nevertheless, one scratch is enough send her away. Officer Jenny sighed, she stepped away and settled down. "That's what I thought, you can go back to town and I'm sure you know way there ." The group of arrogant weasels that headed toward the ECF. "I'm sorry...I can't go behind Sovereign back..." The snake turned his head away from Jenny  slithered behind the group. Officer Jenny lowers her head, with her tail trialing behind her. "Poor Jenny.." Misty mumbled. Eventually, they returned to their attention to the scientists and them walking inside. "Let's go before the guards come!"the group headed to the school with hurry movement. Misty led the group to the slide of building and tried to calculate which window it was. Misty ordered Mike to lean his back to the wall, Billy climbed above then Hannah glided up above. Misty climbed up the ladder, she  used her claws to quietly make an gap into the window. Misty sneakily climbed inside security office and began her search. "Hey I want to see!" Billy whined , Hannah fluttered her wings and  gripped her clawed onto Billy's tail to pull him into the office. "Hey what about me?" Mike said irritatedly. "You'll be the look out!" Billy suggested and Mike having no choice but to agree. Misty gasped at the seen footage and stepped back. "Misty what is-" Billy turned to the gasp to have his eyes widen of shock on the footage. Their eyes followed the Lion stumble behind the elementary and struggled to turn back to its regular form. The camera turned its direction the Lion struck into an small less furrier and slimmer creature. "Anne?" The doe gasping as if she couldn't breathe when she transformed into that unhinged Lion. Anne collapsed on the ground, sobbing her eyes out and whimpering from the amount of pain she felt on her hooves. "Uh guys?" Mike said quietly "Not now-" The group snapped back until they realized his voice was unusually close. Officer Jenny watched in shock with her paws onto Mike's collar and couldn't turn herself away from the screen.

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