Unfamiliar visitor

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An soft tired kitten would stumble along the alley way. The kitten desperate for water, food and shelter. The kitten had ears that had been ruthlessly bitten into by hungry dogs that she just managed to escape from. The kitten would suddenly collapse as her paws bleed from the stepping on glass and sharp rocks. As the rain poured above, she slowly tried or manage her brothers and sisters taken away from her by the vicious dogs. She would remember how the the blood thirsty look when the dogs pulled away their flesh and bones as she hid. The kitten shook her head refusing to grey or show any emotion whatsoever. This little kitten wanted to be an strong cat just like her mother. Suddenly kitten turned to another little kitten in an window up above. The kitten would admire the blackish, brown and white fur of the other little kitten. The other little kitten in the window would take pity of the tired kitten that he threw bits of his left over meal. When the little small pebbles of smelling of fish and meat dropped onto her was the best thing she could ever have. Until then on, this became an routine with them, the kitten got healthier and the other kitten gotten happier to have another friend. However one day, the kitten in the window didn't show up and left the poor kitten by herself. The kitten would walk around the apartment and noticed an open back door of an auto. In that car was an crate with the friendly kitten inside and she immediately crawled inside. The two kittens would admire each other and didn't seem to realize that the door behind closed. "I can't believe you got the job!" The woman would exclaimed and cheer for her husband. "We got Mr. B?" "Yeah I just put him in the car." The grey kitten started to panic as the other tried to calm her down, the humans still oblivious to the stowaway. Eventually, the kitten calmed down after the kitten tried to reassure everything was going to be okay and that's what she knew she wanted to be with him. The kitten having an companion that cares for her well being was enough for her to fall in love with Mr. B.
Suddenly Mrs. Calico woke up, gasping. "What happened?" Mr. B would lay next to her with an melancholy look.  "I'm so sorry..." his voice croaked as his eyes bursted into tears. "I have been nothing but an horrible father and husband! I don't deserve you or anyone...I wasn't paying attention to everything and your right...you do deserve to kill me..." Mr. B shuddered when he felt an small head nudge against his chest. "I'm sorry too...I haven't been talking to you and just kept the stress inside and it slowly built up...into an monster." Mr. B softly smiled and squeezed his wife close. " I love you my stormy little kitten." Mrs. Calico slightly chuckled and held onto him. Lily would hop on the both of them as they giggled. Mr and Mrs  Calico would stare into each other's eyes as before when they were kittens. "Help!" Lily said pointing to an figure standing next to the trees as their teeth pointed out. Both of them exchanged looks before realizing that there was smell of smoke coming from the city.

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