The blackmarket

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Warning: This will have blood and gore
Chase stopped in the dark alley way, alone and frightened of what the dark held. Chase couldn't help but have the fear of something behind, lurking. He rose his head to the sky and noticed how dark the sky had gotten now which started to worry him. As chase continued into the unknown, Randy's friends followed him. Randy's friends would set their position to pounce on him. "Hey! Let me go!" Chase yelled. " We will when Randy comes and joins us!" One said and dragged Chase with his strong meaty arms. Chase groaned trying to escape but for an middle school rhino, this kid was incredible strong. Eventually, the dragging would stop and would be released. His arms felt numb and his back was sore from the amount of rocks that hit him. " Get up!" The rhino pulled him and forced him of the sight of an market. This was not like any market that Chase had seen with pretty lights and people cheering. The market had dim lights and only predators seemed to be walking around. The predators looked unsettled and quite unhinged while holding an quite unsettling bag. The bag looked as if someone or something used to roam around and now just lies in the bag. Oh no, Chase thought to himself as the picture gotten clearer. Chase wanted to run but the two friends blocked his way of direction until Randy walked from the shadows. "Hey little guy! I gotta show you something" Randy grabbed his arm and pulled him in the lights. " Randy! We aren't supposed to be here!" Randy smiled and grinned "I know I'm just giving you an tour." "What the school trip?" "I told Ms. Levi I went to the bathroom. This won't take long." Chase could still the lurking feeling that someone was still watching him but he quickly realized that shouldn't be his biggest concern..The children walked beside tables of slit up bodies, exposing the ribcage and meats of flesh. Chase breathed heavily as the only thing he could smell was the strong stench of fresh raw meats. The bodies were hanging up as if they were just Christmas lights. The humans held out and treated like nothing  but cattle to the mutants. The sight gotten worse, there were alive men and women nude and held up in cages like pets. Their dull and lifeless eyes could tell from how much they were beaten in submission and scarred with torture. Chase stopped and resisting to go any further. "What's wrong? Why you being an big baby?!" Randy's friends kicked him the stomach and making Chase have no choice but to follow their lead. " You're as almost weak as human!" Randy pulled Chase to one last finally ride which was worst sight of them all, an crispy fried infant was lying on the chopping board, Chase screamed when the infant hand was chopped off cleaned and given to hungry predator. Chase ran and didn't care about the bullies. The boys followed after him as people watched in confusion. Chase ran inside what seemed to be safe and which was quite opposite. Chase saw the gruesome sight of meat hangers holding bags of humans, their insides sealed up in plastic packages and their brains removed to make smoothies. Chase couldn't keep his eyes away from the horrors, he seen and just wanted to get away from the meat freezer. Before Chase could even reach for the door, Randy and his friends stood beside him. "For an puny guy, you do run fast." One of his friends panted. "But this is the end of the tour! Maybe next time in life, you won't mess with people who are stronger and smarter!" Chase stood backed, feeling vulnerable and frightened. "Why are you doing this?!  All because I told you to stop?!" "My daddy told me that if there are people make you feel bad, you do everything you can to shut them up!" Chase slipped and bruised his knee on the blood stain floors. " I do gotta thank you for making this so easy! Nobody's going to question your disappearance when they don't see you in class today because they'll think you went home early. None of your stupid friends will help you, now will they? No one will ever find your body, in the black market there is so many dead things that you'll be nothing but any other dead pitiful corpse. " Chase winced when Randy sucker punched his face. Chase fell to his back groaning as Randy stood their speechless. " What's wrong?" One of his friends asked. "That isn't his face.." "what?" "It's an mask..."They all looked at Chase and nodded in synced. Randy about to peel off the mask and Chase truly believed this was the end of his life and identity.

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