The End or so it seems

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Liz was taken into the tunnels before the dooms day device went off in the city. Liz was recovering with Jenny along with many others. Samantha would try to meet the mysterious mutants that took them all in the tunnels. The other mutants tried to warm up to Chase's parents as the parents was grieving over their child when Anna told them.
After weeks being in the tunnels Liz finally recovered, however Jenny was still in a coma. Liz would tell two families what Chase would want to tell them. This unfortunate event caused the two families to bond and help each other. Samantha and Fletcher would find themselves be the leader of the group along with the mysterious figure. Misty, Billy and friends would try to practice their combat skills. Carol would be in rehab and have to evolve all over again. Liz would continue to do whatever she could to help the group knowing that she foolishly vowed herself to Chase to help these animals and humans, so we can find a home where we all belong to.
Little did the group know is that a world underneath them had been watching everything and wanted to hold that same power that they created...

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