Meanwhile back home

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In an dull grey room with an enlarge table where dull gentlemen sat out. The round gentlemen stormed in an circular motion. "How will we provide?! We need more time before the-" An sudden knock was at the door when the room gotten quiet. "Uh mayor...sir" said the smaller gentlemen " There is an couple.." The mayor sighed after forcing himself to smile "I'll be there!" The smaller gentlemen politely smiled and left. The Mayor bid his panthers goodbye and headed to the overwhelmingly couple. Chase's mom and father stood in the brownish  guest room.  The room disgusted Chase's mother, trying to distract herself with the room instead of her son's potential death. The mayor waddle into the room with an warm smile. "What can I-" Marie latched onto his collar and yelled out "Where is my son?! Have you seen my son?! Did you take my son?! If so how is he? Most importantly why did you make the walls so ugly?!" The mayor blinked and stared. Chase's foster father tried to remove her and after while she did release. The mayor polished his tux off from her sweaty hands and jittering hands. "So I'm assuming your son is missing? Do you have an picture?" "Uh Joseph, you have an picture right?" Chase's father nodded and held an school picture. The mayor gasped and held his jaw open. " What's wrong?" Joseph asked. "Uh..I'm just surprised what an such cute boy could ever run away? Why did he runaway?" "He..." Joseph and Marie exchanged looks before they turned away to sigh. " We were the those who were responsible of him running away..." The mayor stiffed his posture and nodded. "We'll take you to him but I need to make an important call before I do so." Marie looked skeptical but with an comfort of her loving husband, she removed the idea. After they left the room, the jittering circle stomach man picked out his phone. His fat little fingers desperately called the normal as he breathed heavily with such anxiety. "S-sir! I-I found them!" The man dabbed his forehead with his small handy towel in his upper right pocket. As Morty's eyes open after all he witnessed and decided to keep the information to himself.

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