Chaos magic

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"It's aliens. It has to be" Ned states.

"BuzzFeed says there's a sailor named Morris Bench who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers" flash tells us.

"Yeah, you should definitely believe everything you read on the Internet" Mj scoffs.

"Spider-Man could take him" Flash says, "What do you think it is liv?"

"Illusions" Olivia shrugs, all of the group that are in the lobby all look at her confused, "things like that don't just emerge from the water. I know there's been some crazy shit that's gone on like the aliens or the attack on New York in 2012 but water doesn't have human like features. Someone has the power to create this, like the power to create chaos. It's chaos magic."

"No, no, no. We wanna stay" Peter tells May over the phone.

"Good thing I packed your suit" May smiles, "I can't believe you forgot it. So who was that guy that you and Olivia were with? Was that Mr. Strange?"

"Doctor Strange, May" Peter corrects, "Doctor Strange. And, no, I don't know who that was."

Olivia paces back in forth the length of the room, "please tell me you're okay" Pepper says.

"I'm fine for the one hundredth time" Olivia sighs, "I can handle this. After everything I think a water monster is the least of our worries."

"Fine I believe you" Pepper replies, "and what was that whole thing with the paparazzi?"

"I just got fed up" Olivia shrugs, "my turn to ask you something, can you go through dads files for me and search chaos magic."

"Like wandas magic?" Pepper questions, "why?"

"Just search for me please" Olivia begs, she hears Pepper start typing.

"It only mentions things about Wanda" Pepper tells her, "why'd you ask?"

"I had a hunch" Olivia states, "I thought that whole stunt was a illusion created by chaos magic."

"I mean it's not the worst hunch I've heard come from you" Pepper says.

"What's that supposed to mean" Olivia scoffs, "I'm not that stupid."

"Don't make me remind you about the time you thought licking a-" Pepper starts.

"Okay I get it" Olivia interrupts, "I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you too liv" Pepper says.

"Who is that guy?" Betty questions as the teenagers all watch the news with the masked man on screen.

"He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one" Brad says.

"He's all right" flash scoffs, "He's no Spider-Man."

"What is it with you and Spider-Man?" Olivia asks as she hurries down the staircase.

"What? He's just awesome, okay?" Flash responds, "He protects the neighborhood and he's inspiring. He inspires me to be a better man."

"He inspires you" Olivia repeats with a scoff, "if this is you being a better man I don't think Spider-Man helps at all."

"What's up, dickwad?" Flash smiles noticing Peter walking over to the group, "Thought you drowned."

The woman on the news starts speaking Italian, "Sounds like his name's Mysterio" Brad states.

"L'uomo del misterio is Italian for man of mystery" Mj states, "They don't actually know who he is."

"Mysterio" Ned repeats, "Cool name."

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