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Peter swings alongside trees and power lines at dusk with Olivia close behind him. In the undercroft Ned tries to find something to eat in the fridge, but backs off, seeing it's full of weird interdimensional creatures. MJ monitors Peter's actions and surroundings via a camera placed on his chest, "Keep an eye out on those trees, we don't really know where this guy is. I genuinely don't know how you do this without throwing up."

The two continue swinging, lowering his altitude Peter finally lands in a gloomy forest spot, his girlfriend lands beside him. Peter starts sweeping the area. He suddenly stops, "Did you guys see that?"

"No" Olivia replies.

"It's, it's really dark" Ned adds.

The two continue scouring. After a while Peter completely freezes in his tracks, his suit's eye lenses widen. Olivia notices peters change of attitude.

Behind them, something sparkly and blue starts forming from the power lines. The air starts whirring, louder and louder. Blue light illuminates the darkness of the night.

"What's happening?" Ned asks.

"What is it?" Mj questions, "peter, Are you getting the tingle thing? Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?"

Peter turns around with his web gauntlet ready to fire and sees the figure. It has achieved a nearly corporeal shape, "Are you seeing this?"

"Yeah" Olivia responds seeing the figure.

"Osborn?" Ned guesses.

"No. He was green" Peter states, "This guy's blue."

Olivia looks up to the electric figure, "You wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?"

"What's he doing?" Mj asks.

"I don't know" Peter replies, "Looks like he's charging."

"I don't like this" Mj says, "Peter Just web him."

Peter shoots a web, but it flies straight through the blue visitor's body, hitting a tree, which materializes in the crypt, startling both MJ and Ned.

The villain opens his eyes and fires a bolt of electricity towards the teenagers, who both quickly avoid it and scurry away through the woods.

"Go left, left!" Ned orders, "Go left!"

"Right" Mj demands, "right!"

"Guys! This is not helping!" Peter yells. A burst of electricity then hits him, causing the Bug to fall down to the ground.

In the undercroft, the feed on the laptop glitches and is turned off, "No, no, no. What happened? Peter? Peter?"

"Peter!" Olivia yells, a gigantic electric blast slowly crawls over the ground to the fallen boy. Suddenly, a huge wall of sand rises in front of him, shielding Peter from the blast.

Olivia jumps down to stand beside the boy, "Whoa."

In the midst of it stands Flint Marko, the Sandman, "Peter, it's me. Flint Marko. You remember?"

"I'm Peter, but I'm not your Peter" Peter tells the sand guy.

"What do you mean, you're not my Peter?" Flint questions, "What the hell is going on?"

"I'll explain everything, but first can you help me stop this guy?" Peter asks.

"Okay" Flint nods.

"You try to surround him and I'll pull the plug" Peter plans, "All right, let's go."

Marko transforms into shapeless masses of sand again and moves towards Electro, absorbing all the bolts hurled at him.

Olivia and Peter swing to the nearest electric tower and lands, trying to assess the situation. Sandman surrounds Electro and closes him in an unbreachable sand tornado. Still, the guy has enough gas to fire at the Peter, who has to perform some additional evasive maneuvers.

Falling, Peter ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora