Are you afraid of me?

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He sighed and turned to me. "Lucy, you can't ever tell them about Ron or Warlock, do you understand?"

His tone was serious. Not angry or furious, just serious and quite caring actually.

"Why not? Don't you think they deserve to know?" I asked concerned.

"Deserve to know? How can they possibly deserve to know something like this? How can they deserve to be in danger, Lucy? Now you tell me, because as far as I'm concerned, the boys will be done in no time as soon as they know."

"Done?" I asked in a nervous tone, repeating his words.

He sighed and looked down.

"You have to understand this, Lucy," he said and slowly walked towards me with ominous eyes.

My heart beated faster and faster for every step he took. There was something about him that was..



Was I really afraid of Harry? The thought if it sent shivers down my spine. The last thing I wanted was to be afraid of my boyfriend.

How? How could I be afraid of him? I needed to trust him now, not fear him like he was vicious or dangerous.

Perhaps he is dangerous.

"There's nothing safe about what I do. Nothing. Do you understand? The moment your heart beated faster of curiousity and the moment your mind was set on it, you put yourself in danger. You could've ran away from it, but no. That's not what you chose, was it?" He asked rethorically.

I bit my lip and quickly broke our eye contact. The floor sucked my face down into it, until I was a small puddle of water drowning in my own drops of water. That's what I wanted at this point. To disolve into a puddle and drown. Maybe that would be for the better. Maybe not.

"I-I just.. I just thought it would be better if the boys knew" I stuttered, still gazing the floor like it was so damn interesting.

Harry was much more interesting in my opinion, but right now he frightened me, and I hated that feeling. I didn't look down because I was embarassed, I looked down because I was afraid of being afraid of him. I knew that if I met his eyes again, I would feel fear. Fear against Harry.

It was the worst feeling ever.

"Well, it's not. And you can't tell them either, okay?" Harry said, angry.

I stood there not saying anything, because I didn't really know what to say. Harry had told me specifically to not tell them. If I was going to tell them nevertheless, I didn't know.

"Lucy" he uttered carefully.

He was now standing only a few inches away from me, and I could swear my heart was about to explode.

"Are you.." He began.

"Are you afraid of me?"

I slowly looked up at him. He looked disappointed and sad. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes hurt me. It brought me physical pain to see Harry sad.

"N-no" I stuttered stupidly, knowing he wouldn't believe a single letter coming out of my mouth.

He sighed and turned away from me. "Maybe you should."

I swallowed.

Maybe you should? What was that supposed to mean? Either way, it scared the hell out of me. Even though this was only Harry talking. My sweet, innocent Harry. Or so I thought.

"Maybe it's for the best if you just stay away from me from now on" he said with his back towards me.

I frantically shook my head. There were many things we had to talk about and maybe fix, but ending it was not the solution. I walked over to him so that I could talk to him face to face about this.

"No, Harry. We're not gonna be one of those couples who think that leaving eachother are for the best, because we all know how that fairytale ends. They find out they loved eachother all along, and not until the very end, they figure out that ending it was not for the best. They just thought it was. You know it, I know it. Right?"

He looked down, biting his lips and nodding. I went closer to him and took his hands. He finally looked into my eyes, and I was relieved to find out that I wasn't afraid of him anymore.

"We're not gonna end it. We can find our way through these narrow paths, we're strong like that" I said.

He smiled a bit and nodded once again.

"You're so full of hope, aren't you?" He asked.

I giggled. "Have always been. Not once have my hopes been wrong."

He bowed down to kiss me, and as our lips met, I knew for sure that we weren't meant to be ended.

I carefully bit his lip. He moaned and pushed me inside the shower, turning the water on.

I squealed, as the water turned out to be cold. He pulled away and sighed, shaking his head.

"There's always something that ruins this moment for us! God damn it!"

I laughed loudly and happily. He smiled and laughed as well. I tugged his hair and pulled him in for another kiss, him trying to adjust the water temperature to hot while we were making out. He finally managed to do it, and as soon as the warm water were pouring down on us, I allowed myself to get carried away, and drift along with Harry.

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