Chapter 33

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I brought Newt and I's laundry to the small water spout coming out of the bathroom house. It was the seventh day of the week and that meant 'fun' night, so I thought I might as well surprise Newt with clean clothes. I mean, look at me, being a good girlfriend and crap.

As I washed Newt's favorite white shirt, I saw Minho and Samuel run through the East door of the maze.

It's closing time already? Today, I had done so much work, and time seemed to fly by.

Between people getting hurt and my own personal issues haunting me, I was exhausted. My heart yearned to tell Newt about my day. It was our little unannounced routine. Just before he went off to sleep, we'd talk about all of the things that went unsaid under the sun.

I exhaled deeply. I really did love Newt. It's like I've known him forever, maybe even before the maze. Could that be possible? Could I have been close to Newt before I had my memory taken away? I mean, it's totally possible. I remembered him, and could put a name to his voice without even talking to him. Thats not necessarily normal. And I didn't have that "past-knowledge feeling" with anyone else. It was only him.

My eyes kept glancing at the open doors of the maze. I want him to hurry up and come back already. Gosh, I'm acting like a stupid little girl. But I really do want to see him. I just want to hug him and reassure him that he's making the right choices, because I know he is.

That reminds me of our conversation last night. Newt wasn't going to be a runner after today. Maybe that's why he's taking longer than usual to come back. I don't blame him, trying to take it all in one last time.

I just don't really understand why he's quitting. I mean, I'll support him through any decisions he makes, but this one doesn't make much sense to me. You'd think that someone who feels trapped would love the open feeling of leaving the glade each morning. I sure would take the opportunity if it were offered to me. But then again, I also get why Newt wouldn't want to be a runner. It must get kind of depressing, you know, running the maze everyday, just to find absolutely nothing a whole year later. It's such a contradicting job; you escape the confinement only to be trapped once again.

I added more soap to our wet clothes, "Things are never simple, are they," I said to the small beetleblade a few feet away, that seemed to be watching me, "I still don't get why you're so dangerous?" I gave the thing a look, "You always show up at the weirdest times," I exhaled deeply, "And I always talk to you, like you're a person."

I rolled my eyes, I need friends.

I need Newt.

He must have gotten held up or something. Which was odd because he normally led the runners back to the map room. Maybe he already ran back into the maze and I just missed him?

Nope, I would have seen him, I haven't been talking to the beetleblade for that long.

I just need to chill. Victoria was right. I'm always so anxious. I need to relax. Newt is fine, everyone is fine, I am fine, life is fine.

I shot to attention when I caught someone running into the glade. But it wasn't Newt.

I looked down at my watch. It read 4:17. Why is everyone back early? The runners don't normally return until like 5:30. That means they're an hour or so early? Maybe they agreed to come back for fun night? That makes sense. I shouldn't worry, and I shouldn't be so attached to Newt.

Oh, the perks of having a watch. Just think if I wasn't wearing it, I'd have no idea what time it was. I would have had to run around looking for a Keeper who'd then have to tell me the time. But with my watch it makes everything simpler.

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