Chapter 17

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"Hey, Newbie!" I turned around at that call, my eyes searching for the source of the voice, "Over here!" It was a girl's voice, but not the voice of Victoria.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, "Hi, it's Brianne, right?" The girl, that seemed to magically pop out of no where, had straight, long blonde hair and was significantly taller than me.

She was pretty, too. Prettier than me.

I already don't like her.

"Yah, that's me." I smiled awkwardly, attempting to wave while I carried two jars filled to the rim with water in my hands.

"I- well- we were just wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out, seeing that you're the newbie and all." The girl pointed behind her to a group of teens. Among the group was none other than, Newt and Minho.

My 'favorites'.

I swear, every where I go they're somehow there with me.

"So what do ya' say?" She asked, sweetly.

Maybe this girl wasn't as bad as I thought she was.

I should stop being rude to girls that are prettier than me. She could be extremely nice and down to earth. Key words: could be.

"We're kind of the cool kids." She gave me a tight grin.

I may have horrible judgment of character, but I could smell fakes from a mile away.

I looked over at Victoria, who was enveloped in a conversation with Clint and another couple of kids, "I should really get back to my friends."

"Oh," She drew the word out with mock disappointment, "I see, I guess Newt will just have to be disappointed. He wanted you to come over. He kind of has this thing-"

"I bet he does," I said quickly, internally rolling my eyes, "but I told Victoria I would get her water-"

"Come on, Brianne, Victoria isn't your real friend. She spreads so many stupid rumors," The blonde gave me a weird look, "She's even started a couple about you. Now, I don't know, I might be wrong, but that's not friendship. I want to be a real friend to you. Real friends talk to each other, not about each other," She glanced over her shoulder, a smile making its way across her face, "Am I right, Ladies?" She shouted at the girl sitting with Newt and Minho.

The three started laughing; must be an inside joke.

"What does she say about me?" I asked, feeling awkward.

I don't know what to do. Do I trust this girl more than I trust Victoria?

"The details don't matter." She shrugged her shoulders, " You wanna have fun here? We're the fun ones. We don't agree with the drama."

"I should at least talk to Victoria about this-" I hesitated.

"We have Newt." She said in a singsong tone of voice.


Why does she think I'm obsessed with Newt?

"Come on." She whined.

I love how this girl is trying to slip by the fact that she tried to call me out on liking Newt. Twice. Two whole times.

"We want to make you feel welcome here."


"Yay! I can't wait to introduce you to Andrea!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

I don't know why, goodness gracious, I don't know why I gave in and followed her over to her little group of 'cool kids.'

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