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Jimin POV

Late afternoon...

I flutter my eyes open, squinting to allow my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the sun shining into the room.

I feel movement behind me and find Jungkook trying to snuggle into my back like a kitten seeking warmth from its mother. I look at this beautiful person I have the honour of calling my husband. I remembered the way he handled me with such care and made me feel so loved. To return the favour, I'm going to prepare samgyeopsal and order some Korean fried chicken from his favourite restaurant.

I finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I finished, I went downstairs to the kitchen after leaving a light peck on Jungkook's lips. I couldn't help myself. He just sleeps with the most adorable pout, making him appear younger and innocent, which he's far from.

I get to work in the kitchen preparing the food and setting out the grill on the dining table. After an hour, I heard the doorbell ring, which was the delivery man with the chicken, and I ordered some lamb skewers as well.

When everything was set out nicely, I slightly limped up the stairs. He did promise that I wouldn't be able to walk. This would've been embarrassing if I had gone to work in this condition. I'm thankful that he called in sick.

When I entered the bedroom, he was still lying there in the same position that I left him. If I didn't know him that well, I would've thought he was dead, but he's just an extremely heavy sleeper. The world could end and he wouldn't hear the distress around him. It's funny because if it weren't for me, he'd be late for work every day because he does not react to an alarm.

I don't get how he's able to hear me when I wake him up as always with my whispers but doesn't hear the alarm clock. It baffles me.

I shake him lightly while running my hand through his soft and messy bed hair. He turns towards me and lays his head in my lap, wrapping his arms around my waist... It's endearing how he's always seeking comfort from me. It also gives me a sense of purpose to know that he's always there waiting for me.

He finally looks up at me with a soft bunny smile, and I peck his lips. "You need to get out of bed, my love. I prepared a meal for you and ordered some chicken and lamb skewers too. Freshen up okay, I'll be downstairs." He replies with a yawn and a hum that makes me giggle. He stares at me when he hears me giggle."It's been so long since I last heard you giggle like that. It's adorable," he says with a loving smile on his face. I slap his arm playfully and tell him to freshen up once more as I leave the room.

Once I'm downstairs, I get seated at the table and check for any important work emails. My secretary would have notified me if there were any, but I was just making sure.

Jungkook finally comes downstairs looking freshened up but still has messy bed hair, and I can't help but giggle at his cuteness. His eyes go wide at the decked-out table in front of him. "What is all this for? Am I in heaven? Did I die?" I laughed at his over-exaggeration and slapped his arm, "Yah! Do I need a reason to spoil you? If so, fine, I won't do it again," I say, pretending to be offended, turning my back to him with my arms crossed over my chest. I feel strong arms around my waist and a strong chest on my back. "Thank you, my love. Now stop being such a drama queen and eat."

We sit in comfortable silence, occasionally sharing smiles and small talk while eating, entirely comfortable around each other. Once we finished the food, I packed away the leftovers and Jungkook helped me with cleaning up before we decided on a movie night with endless snacks, cuddles, and each other's good company. At the moment, there is no place I'd rather be than in the strong arms of my husband.

The night ended with us falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch, content with each other. Absolutely nothing could tear us apart; our relationship, our bond, and our love is too strong...

A short chapter filled with domestic fluff for you.. might be the last for a while. The story will be filled with angst from here on out. till next time..
- patrickthestarfish1 

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