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Authors POV

Jimin wakes up to an active Nara jumping on the bed, chanting "mommy, mommy" repeatedly with tons of energy, and a cartoon softly playing on TV. Nara and her brother are doing much better than they've been in the past few days. The twins had a terrible cold after Yoongi babysat them and took them snowsledding. Last night, the twins were begging for cuddles, which is why they slept in Jimin's bed.

"Nara, my love, please stop jumping on the bed; you might get hurt," pleaded Jimin, getting up from the bed, careful not to jostle a sleeping Min-jun. Jimin attaches his hand to Junnie's forehead, feeling for any signs of the persistent fever, but he softly smiles, relieved that Min-jun seems to be just fine. Just tired and lazy as usual. Min-jun nuzzles the hand on his cheek, which made Jimin endearingly chuckle at his son's behaviour.

Min-jun blinks his eyes and rubs them with his tiny fists before greeting his mother. "Hi, mommy," greets Min-jun shyly. "Hello baby, did you sleep well?" asks Jimin, kissing Junnie's face all over, causing him to giggle. "It tickles mommy," giggles Junnie, grabbing his mother's face and doing the same.

Jimin finally lets Junnie go and lets him get out of bed, turning to Nara. "Do I not get any morning kisses?" asks Jimin with a big pout, crossing his arms in playful sadness. Nara gasps and jumps up from where she sat down to watch the cartoon on TV, jumping into her mother's arms. "Mommy, don't be sad. I give you all the kisses in the world," says Nara cutely before kissing Jimin all over his face.

"Thank you, sweetheart," says Jimin, returning the favor.

"Mommy stop. I'm gonna pee my pants," squeals Nara, giggling, happy to receive Jimin's kisses despite needing to urgently use the bathroom. Jimin finally let her go, but not without one fat kiss on the cheek.

"Off you go, baby. Don't forget to also brush your teeth and wash your face. You too, Junnie. We need to pick up Grandma from the airport soon," orders Jimin, already making up the bed.

"Nara! Let's go brush our teeth!" exclaims Min-jun, very excited to see their grandmother again. And why is that, you ask? It's because when grandma is here, they can do anything they want; when Jimin says no, then grandma says yes. The twins use their beautiful doe eyes to coax their grandmother, whereas Jimin has already grown immune to the eye trick. Most times he doesn't cave, though sometimes they just look too cute to refuse.

Jimin spent the rest of the morning getting the twins ready and fed before he ushered them out the door to the car already parked in the driveway. Jimin helped both twins get strapped into their car seats before heading to the airport.

Jimin POV

At the airport

When the twins and I pulled up at the airport entrance, Eomma was already standing with all her luggage and two more people with her, but all of them had their backs facing us. Nara was the first to call out to her grandmother. Already waving her hand with a huge smile, her eyes lit up with excitement. Eomma heard the call and looked around for the cute voice until she spotted our car. She alerted the other two people with her, and when they turned around, I had to double-take because my eyes had to be deceiving me.

Is that?

"Jiminie!" exclaimed Hobi, already racing towards me, who had hopped out of the car.

"Hobi Hyung, Tae-tae, when? How?" I questioned them in disbelief.

"Well, Tae and I finally took some time off work, and voila, we're here," exclaimed Hobi, crushing me into another hug.

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