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Authors' POV

"chim, how are you? It's been so long, " squeals Jin, standing up to hug Jimin. "It had been too long, I missed you, " mumbled Jimin into Jin's shoulder, suddenly feeling emotional being in the comforting embrace of his best friend. "Are you seriously crying? I thought I'd be the emotional one seeing as I'm pregnant. " Jimin chuckles, not fully processing what Jin said until he lifts his head from Jin's shoulder with wide eyes. "Y-you're pregnant...?!" exclaims Jimin, thinking he had heard wrong. 

"First have a seat and then we can talk," says Jin, showing Jimin to the table. Jin orders a caramel frappucino and some strawberry cheesecake for Jimin, "I know it's your favourite," exclaims Jin, winking at Jimin, to which he just grins wildly. He takes a sip, almost moaning out loud at the sweetness. "How did you know I needed this?" says Jimin, with a sad smile that catches Jin's attention. "Hey Jimin, is everything alright?" asks Jin worriedly, but Jimin responds with a shake of his head and a soft smile. "It's nothing. I want to know everything. Don't leave out a single thing. You must have been fucking like rabbits if you're already that far along," said Jimin playfully, staring intently at Jin's protruding baby bump, which he had not seen at first glance, as it was well hidden under the oversized pastel pink sweater he was wearing.

Jin gushes over the time he and Namjoon spent on their honeymoon, not leaving out a single detail. It had always been like this. Jin was Jimin's best friend for 6 years. The only other person he spoke to was Jin, and when he became friends with him, he automatically became part of Jin's friend group. Jin's friends became his best friends too, and this was when Jimin developed a sense of belonging. They did not judge him, but rather embraced who he truly was.

"And now..." says Jin, rubbing his belly. "I'm pregnant, but... I haven't told Namjoon yet. He has noticed my weight gain, but he didn't think as far as pregnancy," says Jin with a worried expression. "What if he was avoiding the possibility of me being pregnant? What if he doesn't want to be a father now? " sobs Jin as Jimin goes around the table to hug him. 

"I know for a fact that Namjoon Hyung will be so excited because he was the one who bought the baby shoes, thinking they were cute, and that was way back at the beginning of your relationship. He wants this family with you, so trust me okay." Jimin kisses Jin on the forehead, and he giggles. "Yeah, you're probably right, but how do I tell him chim?" Jimin taps his chin in thought. "Your restaurant launch is coming up right...?" Jin nods, looking up at Jimin. "Why don't we announce it to him there?" suggests Jimin with a grin. "That could work, but how would I announce it?" Jimin moves back to his seat and sits down.

  "I have the most adorable idea. You'll write a letter from the baby, have it beautifully calligraphed, and add the pregnancy test in as well. I've always wanted to do that, " says Jimin, as Jin looks at him with a sad smile. Jin hugs him instantly. "Thanks, Chim, where would I be without you.." Jimin leans into Jin's embrace. He has been craving this kind of affection after everything that happened. "You'd be fine, I'm sure of it" Jin chuckles, breaking away from Jimin. 

"How have things been with Jungkook?" Jimin looks at him as if he had just stolen some of his cheesecake, which he did. Jimin just sighs and gives Jin a sad smile. "He's cheating on me" blurts Jimin out before he can catch himself. "What the fuck!!" exclaims Jin as Jimin shushes him. "He's cheating on you. How the fuck are you so calm, I would've cut Joon's dick off and fed it to the rats?!" Jimin just sighs before letting the one stray tear roll down his face.

"I don't know," says Jimin, almost inaudible. "What the fuck do you mean you don't know, like hello, he's cheating on you, leave his sorry ass," Jin screams into the nearly silent cafe. "I want to because I know this is not acceptable, but it's hard," says Jimin's voice, thick with unfallen tears. Jin apologizes, "Oh no, I know and I'm sorry for being so insensitive".  "He was there for me when I had no one. He had always been there for me, loved me when I couldn't love myself and helped me when my mental health was so bad," sobs Jimin into his hands as Jin moves next to him, hugging him.

"He is my everything. How do I simply get up and leave? Please tell me, maybe then it'll be easier. " Jin hugs Jimin tighter, letting him cry it out, as he can see the amount of emotional and mental strain the younger is under. Jin consoles him, attempting to avert Jimin's impending panic attack.

After 10 minutes, Jimin's breath finally stabilises and his crying simmer down to light sniffles. Jin offers Jimin a soft smile, "Wanna stay over at my house for the night? We can do whatever you want." Jimin just nods, not trusting his voice right now. They get up from their seats and take Jimin's car, as Jin had walked to the cafe. Jimin did not go back to his own house that day, and he didn't let Jungkook know he wouldn't be home either. He has a whole closet at Jin's house, so he has everything he needs. 

The two spent the rest of the day bingeing K-dramas and eating junk food, with useless talk in between. When nightfall came, Jin let Namjoon know that he'd like to sleep in Jimin's room for the night, promising to tell him the reason in the morning.

The two best friends fell asleep in each other's embrace, content. Even Jimin for now, opting to forget about his problems just for now at least...

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