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Jungkook POV

I couldn't help but fall to my knees at the door when I witnessed the love of my life leaving me. I clutched my chest directly above my heart to soothe the heart-wrenching pain and anguish. It was hard to breathe. What had I done? I ruined our happy home and I hate myself for it.

I don't think I deserve to be alive. I deserve to die because I'm responsible for Jimin's agony. I want to run into oncoming traffic or jump off a building. Though I know Jimin will be upset, at least I won't be able to hurt him any more.


I'm reminded that I have a child on the way and I promised Jimin I'd be a responsible father and I will honour that promise. It's the least I can do. My only reason to live is my unborn child and Jimin's return.

I can hear someone calling my name in my thoughts. I have no idea who it is. I can hear my name being called and feel a grip on my shoulders, but I can't register any of them. I feel disconnected, and as much as I want to get out of this dissociative state, I can't. My body sways as if the world is spinning. My thoughts were weightless, my head throbbed, and my eyes were heavy, succumbing to the exhaustion in my body. I let the darkness consume me, and before I completely lost touch with reality, I could hear panicked calls for my name, but I was already too far gone.

Authors' POV

Lisa watched as Jimin left and saw how Jungkook sank to his knees, clutching his chest. She thought it was all an act, but when she eventually exited the car and approached a sobbing and lost-looking Jungkook, she got worried.

She called to him several times, but he just stared ahead, eyes foggy and clutching his chest. She chose to shake his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up from whatever trance he was in, but he was unresponsive. She watched Jungkook's eyes flutter as she let go of his shoulders, trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He eventually passed out, his body dropping to the floor with a thud. She noticed his nose starting to bleed. 

Lisa tried calling out to him again, this time louder, but he was already passed out. In her panic, she grabbed her phone and called an ambulance.

The ambulance finally arrived at the estate within a few minutes. Lisa was sitting on the ground with Jungkook's head in her lap, attempting to stop the nosebleed with tissue paper while sobbing uncontrollably and begging Jungkook to wake up, but he did not. The ambulance hoisted Jungkook onto the stretcher and checked his vitals.

"The patient has a dangerously high blood pressure of 202 diastolic over 104 systolic and the pulse is 102 beats per minute. The patient will be put on an IV drip until blood pressure drops," reports the paramedic as he jots all his findings down. 

"Excuse me, miss, we need a family member to accompany the ambulance to the hospital. Would that be you?" asks the paramedic after putting Jungkook on the drip. "Yes, I'm his girlfriend," says Lisa, after composing herself and entering the ambulance van.

Jungkook was moved to a private hospital room upon arrival and would be allowed to leave once the doctor has approved his vitals.

Jungkook woke up 3 hours later, confused by the drip in his arm. "What happened?" he asks into the empty room, his mind still hazy as he clutches his head that is still pounding. He looked around the dark room, trying to figure out what happened. When his thoughts became clearer, he used the nurse button to call someone to his room. A few minutes later, a short woman who looked to be in her mid 40's more or less approached the bed.

"Good evening, Mr Jeon. How are you feeling?" she politely asked, checking his vitals. "Good evening, I feel like my head's about to explode," she chuckled fondly. "That's understandable. Your blood pressure was dangerously high. It seems like you were overly stressed, so you were put on an IV, but the headache will linger a while longer. I'll prescribe you some pain medication that will help with that," says the nurse as she nods her head after checking his vitals. "Thank you, that would be appreciated," says Jungkook with a small forced smile.

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