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Jimin POV

The flight was extremely long and unpleasant. I was sick the entire time. Fortunately, my mother had some medicine that helped with the nausea. I had a pack of tamarind to nibble on so that also helped me feel better and I fell asleep shortly after.

We've checked out but haven't seen Yoonji yet. I was about to call her when I heard my name called.

"Jimin! Eomma! I'm here!" yelled Yoonji from across the airport, making her way through the crowd.

Eomma and I looked in her direction and were almost tumbled to the ground by the force of her hug.

"It's so good to see you guys. How was the flight? Are you okay?" she panted as she broke the hug, grabbing my cheeks, aware of the force of her hug.

"Yoonji! Be gentle, please. We could've gotten hurt, especially Jimin!" exclaimed Eomma as she lightly slapped Yoonji on the arm.

"I'm sorry Minnie," Yoonji looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm just so happy to see you, Noona. I really missed you," I patted her on the head, highlighting her short stature. I'm already short, but she's tiny.

"You little bi-" Yoonji was about to pinch my cheeks mercilessly, even though she knew I hated it.

"Yoonji! Why did you run like that?" scolded Ye-jun Hyung as he approached us and greeted eomma and I with a hug.

"We were already late because of the traffic in this city, so I had to rush over in case they thought I forgot about them," huffed Yoonji as she clung to my waist tightly.

"Have you picked up some weight? You're so squishy," teased Yoonji as she poked my cheeks.

"That's enough children. Let's get home. That flight really tired me out," said Eomma as she faked yawned to distract Yoonji.

"Yeah, I'm really tired and hungry too. They had no good food on the flight,"

"Okay, let's go. Junnie, please get their luggage. I'm taking you to the restaurant that Jun took me to last week. Their food is heavenly, so I'm sure you'll like it." Yoonji excitedly exclaimed as she dragged mother and I out the airport leaving Jun hyung with all our luggage.

Time skip

It's been 5 months since I moved to New York. I'm 8 months pregnant right now. I've stopped working entirely and only step in when I need to. I had a relatively easy pregnancy with few symptoms. My only complaint is how big I've grown while carrying twins. I feel and look abnormal. My body no longer feels like mine, but it will all be worth it once my beautiful babies arrive.

I'm not sure what gender they are. I wanted it to be a surprise to all of us. I would love my children no matter what their gender is.

My mother stayed with me for a month and returned to Seoul to take over my position for a while, but everyone came to the states for my delivery, which I'm quite excited about.

I told Yoonji and Ye-jun about my pregnancy at the restaurant on the day we arrived so I moved into their house, which I'm so grateful for. They assist me with everything I need to do; they never let me overwork or go hungry.

They care for all my needs and cravings, and I salute them for that, because apparently, according to Yoongi Hyung, I become extremely angry and insulting when I don't get my food. I have no idea what he's talking about because I'm an angel.

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