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Jungkook POV

I'm jealous. I admit it. My husband is flawlessly beautiful, and for him to go out in public looking like that, I can't help my feelings of possessiveness. His mine and only mine. It's not that he cannot wear what he wants, but I'm just so afraid someone might snatch him from me if I'm not careful. He might even leave me when the other night's events come to light.

I was so relieved when he said the note washed out. If he had found that out, I'm sure it would've been the end of us. I don't want that. Jimin is my life. Without him, my world would have turned upside down.

I look at my phone to see what time it is and notice a notification from an unknown number. I opened it and read the text.

"Hey kookie, I forgot to write in the note that I left my number on your phone. Anyway, I enjoyed the other night and would like to see you again. Can you meet me at XXX bar tonight? I'll be wearing something nice. Lisa, "

I'm so glad Jimin didn't notice this because he doesn't know how to access my phone. I don't know if I should reply or leave her on read. I enjoyed her company. Aside from the sex that I felt so guilty about, she was someone that I was able to confide in. She offered me comfort. I decided to send her a text.

"Hey Lisa, I'll meet you there. I want to discuss what happened the other night. We both know it wasn't supposed to happen, but I would like to be your friend. I hope we can put what happened behind us and build a meaningful friendship. I love Jimin way too much to do this to him. "

When Jungkook hit send, he was convinced that he could hide this from Jimin and just become friends with Lisa.

Authors' POV

The meeting with the American investor went well. All that was left for Jimin to do was to go to the US and get the branch up and running. He already has many contracts waiting for him and his team. This is why Jimin is known all over the world for his creative and intricate designs. which explains the build-up of contracts.

Jimin uses his office bathroom to change his clothing into sweats. By the time he left, there were only a few employees in the building, mostly from the management team.

Jimin drives to the bar, which looks quite classy, surprisingly. He proceeds to book a VIP table on the second floor of the bar, which he observes from above. He waited there for about 20 minutes. He ordered a virgin margarita for himself because he doesn't like alcohol. After receiving his drink, he spots his husband at the entrance moving towards the bar area. Jungkook orders some strong Dalmain Whiskey, which has become a favourite for him.

Jimin watches Jungkook just scrolling through his phone before he sees a woman approach him dressed in a beautiful skin-tight dress. Jimin thought she seemed familiar but continued to observe. She took a seat next to Jungkook, and he saw that they were having a deep conversation. He saw his husband looking very conflicted. He eventually saw Jungkook nod at this Lisa woman before getting up and following her upstairs to a VIP booth.

On their way to the table, they pass by Jimin's table, but Jimin, being fully disguised, goes unnoticed by Jungkook. Jimin listens to their conversation while also recording it in case he misses anything.

"Lisa I'm not sure about this. Jimin could be waiting for mmph- " she cuts him off with a passionate kiss. "Forget Jimin for now, focus on me, make me feel good." Jungkook, who vowed that he would only talk Lisa into having a platonic relationship, was the one to kiss her hard, causing her to moan at the dominating kiss. "I love Jimin, but I'm sure I could open my heart up for you too," says Jungkook, breathless from the kiss. Lisa grins before grinding her heat on Jungkook's clothed dick. "Let's go to my place," says Lisa. Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up from his seat, almost tripping over his own feet, and left the bar. He gets into his car and drives through the town aimlessly to vent his anger and sadness. He had run many red lights, but he couldn't care right now.

His husband was allowing another woman into his life. His husband loves another woman, and he will be spending the night with her.

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