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Authors' POV

Jimin wakes up with a tight grip on his waist. Being a bit confused, he turns his head to the back to see his handsome husband sleeping with an adorable pout. He moves closer to observe Jungkook's features, and he notices his bruised lips. Jimin doesn't want to think the worst of it, so he ignores it and just continues to draw patterns all over Jungkook's face, eventually waking him.

"Good morning, jagi" Jungkook mumbles, kissing Jimin's fingers that hover over his face. "G'morning," replies Jimin, getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

When he's done freshening up, he dresses into matching sweats. He proceeds to leave his bedroom, but not before telling Jungkook that breakfast will be ready soon.

Jimin prepares breakfast quickly and goes to wake Jungkook. "Kook, wake up. You're going to be late for work. " Jungkook just turns to the other side with a grumble, not wanting to wake up, making Jimin sigh before he violently shakes Jungkook awake and threatens to flush all his banana milk down the toilet. "Why must you do that?" whines Jungkook while getting up to head to the bathroom.

"Wait Kook, let me get the laundry basket... I'm taking off from work today, so I'm going to do some housework. " Jimin rushes past Jungkook into the bathroom, collects the basket, and rushes out of the room.

Jungkook finds Jimin's behaviour odd, but he shrugs it off. Jungkook freshens up and has breakfast alone while Jimin continues doing housework. He has no appetite right now, but he'll probably eat a bit later.

"Chim, I'm leaving now. See you later, and I love you! " Jimin unconsciously smiles as he hears the front door shut and click...

Maybe he was just being paranoid. Jungkook would never cheat on him, but he could not help but listen to the little voice in his head telling him otherwise. Jimin proceeds to the laundry room.

He wasn't going to do housework today; he just wasn't feeling well after yesterday's events and just wanted to be on his own for a while. He proceeded to separate the clothing but actually went through Jungkook's clothing that he had on yesterday.

Jimin POV

I search the pockets of the shirt and eventually get to the pants where I find a note... It reads:

"Hey Kook, you really blew me away last night. You're a sex god. I wouldn't mind seeing you again. Thank you for a good night. I also covered up the hickeys on your neck because I didn't want your husband to suspect anything. You can reward me next time we see each other, Lisa. "

I stumbled as I read the note. I can hardly see through the tears that are starting to blur my vision. I felt my throat constrict and the room close in on me. My theory was correct. My husband, my first love and best friend had cheated on me with some woman named Lisa.

I practised the breathing exercises Jungkook always did with me when I had suffered a panic attack. It taught me how to handle myself in these situations. I can't explain the different emotions going through my head right now. I feel betrayed, wronged, sad, angry, shocked, and the list goes on. Perhaps this is a prank... yes, a prank. Jungkook is just playing with me... right?

Regardless of what I've found out, I continue to do the washing while bawling my eyes out, feeling very unsure about what to believe. I was about to toss in the first batch when I came across a mark on his shirt. I smelt and touched it. I found lipstick and the scent of a woman's perfume that I found familiar. It had a unique scent.

I just fell to the ground in front of the washer and let it all catch up to me. My husband, whom I love very much, is having an affair, and the worst thing is... I don't blame him. He's probably so tired of me. That's why he's seeking comfort in someone else. It hurts.

The pain in my chest worsens as I struggle to breathe. The breathing exercises aren't working, and my phone isn't with me. As even more panic sets in, my body shuts down and all I see is darkness around me.

"we love so easily, but break so easily too"

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