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Authors' POV

When Jimin woke up from his slumber, he was met with an empty bed, but he saw the bathroom light on and just assumed Jungkook was in there. Jimin got up from bed and headed to the guest bathroom to freshen up. After freshening up, he headed to the kitchen in search of something to eat. He settled for some toast with mayo and pickles, moaning at the tangy sourness. He hears a shuffle behind him and turns to see Jungkook dressed in his office wear with a disgusted look on his face when he saw the nasty combination.

"What?" asked Jimin as he continued to eat the toast. "Nothing, you're just acting so strange these days. When you're ready, please talk to me. It hurts when you avoid me, "says Jungkook as he reaches out to hug Jimin, to which Jimin stiffens but allows himself to be embraced as he feels tears in his eyes. He's going to miss this. The hugs, the affection, the love, the support. He's going to miss Jungkook, and as much as he wants to deny it, there's nothing he can do about it. Imagine spending almost 11 amazing years with someone and then, just suddenly, everything falls apart. It's fucked up and it's not something that's going to be forgotten just like that.

Jimin just remained silent as Jungkook continued to hold him tightly. After a few more moments, Jungkook finally broke the hug and kissed Jimin's cheek as he left for work. When he finally came to his senses, he gathered his thoughts and moved towards the bedroom, taking all his clothing and belongings and packing them into multiple suitcases. Whatever he didn't pack, he could buy there.

When he was done with all the packing, it was well into the afternoon hours and he realised that he hadn't checked his calls or emails since yesterday. He found his phone in his purse and tried switching it on, but it seemed like it had died. He plugs the phone into the charger and decides to take a shower before moving his luggage to the hotel he'd be spending the night at.

When he exited the shower, he got dressed in the clothing he kept separate from his luggage and got dressed. He checked his phone and saw multiple missed calls from his brother. He decided to call Yoongi.

On the phone




"Hello Chim, How have you been? "

"Fine, Hyung, how have you been?"

"I'm not okay..."

"What... Why... What happened, Hyung?"

When were you going to tell him about that jackass cheating on you and your departure...?" spat yoongi

"H-hyung.. wh-" stutters Jimin, shocked that Yoongi knows about Jungkook's cheating because Jin was the only one that knew.

"Namjoon called me and told me, I'm on my way to come to get you now. You're not staying with him. " Jimin hears shuffling and the jingle of keys from the other side.

"H-hyung." says Jimin, choking on a sob.

"Baby, he doesn't deserve you and I refuse to let you keep suffering. Hyung will come and get you okay, " Yoongi assures Jimin.

"Please hurry, I don't want to be here when Jungkook gets home. It would hurt too much if he was here," begs Jimin, voice small and almost inaudible.

"I'm on my way." Yoongi ended the call and Jimin cancelled his hotel reservation. Before he finally left the home that he shared with Jungkook, he wrote a note to him. It read, "Jungkook, I will not be home tonight, Jimin."

He placed the note on the dining table under the vase, where Jungkook would be able to see it. He hears a car honking in front of the house, and when he peeks out the window, he sees Yoongi running towards the front door. The door burst open, and when Yoongi spotted Jimin, he grabbed him into a tight hug and only tightened his grip when he felt the wetness against his chest. He swears to God that when he gets his hands on Jungkook, he will make him regret making his baby brother cry.

Yoongi broke the hug first and reminded Jimin that it was almost time for Jungkook to come home. Jimin then stood at the door of the house he once shared with Jungkook and looked back one last time before finally leaving the house where he had had many memories, good and bad. This place will always be a part of him. Jungkook will always be a part of him...

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