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Jimin POV

I'm currently 40 weeks pregnant, but for the past few days, I've been having light contractions. I've called my doctor to find out if I should come in, but they advised that as soon as the contractions get stronger, I should go to the hospital.

"Eomma! Noona!" I called for them, exasperated. The contractions have become more intense.

"Yes! What's wrong? Are you okay?" asked Yoonji as she almost fell into the room.

"I'm okay. I'm having contractions and I need someone to time them for me please." I'm surprised by how coherent I still am regardless of the amount of pain my body is in.

"Okay, just relax and breathe. Are you having one now?" I screamed at the intensity of the contractions. Yoonji started the timer.

Soon enough, I felt the pressure in my abdomen lessen, allowing me to finally breathe freely again.

"How long?" I exhaustedly asked Yoonji.

"1 minute and 10 seconds," answered Yoonji as she jotted the time down on a notepad.

"The timer has started, so let me know when the next one starts," said Yoonji as she rubbed my belly soothingly.

"Okay. Where is Eomma?" I was already physically tired.

"There was something she needed to sort out at the company, but she's on her way back," Yoonji replied, as she re-adjusted my pillows behind my back.

"Okay. The doctor said I should wait for my water to break before I come in," I said as I tried to get up from bed.

"What are you doing? Stay in bed, idiot. You're about to pop!" ranted Yoonji as she tried to get me to lie back down.

"I need to use the bathroom." She helped me get down from the bed and led me to the bathroom. The moment I sat down on the toilet, I felt a liquid gush out of my body.

"Noona! I think my water just broke and that's definitely the mucus plug!" I exclaimed, examining the toilet paper I had just wiped with.

"Oh god!" exclaimed Yoonji, disgusted as she helped me pull my pants up and helped me sit on the bed.

"Eomma's here; we're leaving now." Yoonji helped me exit the room. Luckily, my room is downstairs, so we reached the garage easily.

"We have the hospital bags, car seats, camera." My mother listed all the items she's chosen to take to the hospital.

"You're forgetting the actual mother who is currently in labor, dying to get these kids out," stated Yoongi, matter-of-factly helping Jimin into the car.

"Ah yes, are you nervous, guys? I'm nervous. My grandchildren are coming, yay!" As my mother clapped her hands ecstatically like a child in a candy store, I smiled fondly at her antics. She's really excited to be a grandmother. She's probably going to spoil them rotten. I can already see how the kids will choose her over me.

"Let's do this, people," exclaimed Yoongi as he got into his car. We took two vehicles to the hospital. One for my parents, my hospital bags and myself. Another car, which is mine for Yoonji, Ye-jun, and Yoongi and it has car seats in them for when we come back home.

At the hospital,
I've gotten settled in the hospital bed already in my hospital gown and hooked up to many machines monitoring my and the twins' heart rates as well as my contractions. I feel extremely exhausted, but I was told to just relax until my contractions become stronger and I am fully dilated. I've chosen to give birth naturally, though I wish I had taken the epidural because these pains are brutal.

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