Authors' POV

Jimin finally lets go of the tears he's been holding when he stops at a red light. His nose had stopped bleeding, but his pounding headache persisted. He drove to the doctor's office through his tears, arriving safely. He composed himself and touched up his makeup to make his face less red and his eyes less puffy. He got out of his car, entered the clinic, and made his way to the reception.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" asked the receptionist with a polite smile on her face. "Hi, is there an appointment for Min Jimin?" asked Jimin, cracking a small smile at the friendly woman. "Ah yes, the 5 o'clock appointment with Doctor Kim?" "Yes," responded Jimin, rubbing his temples to get rid of the treacherous headache. "Please do have a seat in our waiting area. Doctor Kim will be out soon," said the receptionist, in awe, baffled that Jimin was a male yet looked so feminine. He thanked the receptionist, grateful to finally have a seat because his legs had just felt sore all of a sudden.

"Good afternoon, Mr Min. Please follow me," said the doctor as he led Jimin to the consultation room. "Good afternoon, Doctor Kim," Jimin says as he takes a seat across the desk. "Mr Min, you have scheduled a full body check-up if I'm not mistaken," says the doctor, reading through his file.

"I have, lately, I haven't been feeling the best. I've been going through a lot of stress lately and many things within my body just haven't felt right," the doctor hummed as he took notes.

"What was it in your body that didn't feel right?" asked the doctor, looking at Jimin.

"Well, a few weeks ago I was constantly nauseous. It was frequently triggered by the smells of food or products. I had taken a pregnancy test a few months ago, but it was negative. I had my period shortly after and I haven't been sexually active since so pregnancy is impossible. My chest feels sore and tender, and I have these abdominal cramps at the sides. I've also been experiencing constant severe headaches and dizziness for the past week. I searched for these symptoms but they scared me as they are all possible symptoms of tumours. I also had a nosebleed a few minutes ago. That is why I'm here to find out what's wrong with me," rambled Jimin all in one breath as the doctor took notes.

"I see, have there been any weird foods or cravings you've had lately?" asked the doctor knowingly.

"Yes, spicy food is what I've been having a lot, as well as salty and sour foods. I can't seem to digest anything sweet that much other than banana milk," informed Jimin as he looked at the doctor, taking notes expectantly.

"Okay, I seem to have an idea as to what's wrong with you, but you can be assured that they aren't tumours, so you can relax. I will still do the full body check-up and then we'll do some urine and blood tests and we'll have the results soon," says the doctor as he directs Jimin to the examination table.

After checking all of Jimin's vitals, the doctor asked for a urine sample, and once that was provided, he took a blood sample from him.

"I'll just check these out at the lab, and I'll be back with results. Please stay on the bed," requested the doctor as he left for the lab, leaving Jimin waiting in anticipation.

"Alright, Mr Min. The results are in. Would you like the good news or the good news first?" asked the doctor teasingly as he entered the room and approached the bed.

"Good news? Just tell me please, doctor," says Jimin, annoyed.

"Okay, your vitals are all good except for your blood pressure, which is a bit high, which is risky for you, especially in your state. The blood results are normal. Congratulations, Mr Min, you are 13 weeks pregnant," said the doctor excitedly.

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