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Jungkook POV

I squint my eyes open as I start feeling the uncomfortable couch beneath my body. I put my hand out to find my phone to check the time. I overslept, and now I'm late for an important meeting. I jump up from the couch, rushing to the bathroom for a quick shower. Once I was ready, I left the house, after checking that everything was locked, and rushed to the office. I'm surprised I didn't get a speeding ticket.

When I got to the office, the investors were already waiting for me to arrive. I'm sure that left a bad impression on them already. This day is as messed up as yesterday was. I miss Jimin. If he had been home, I would've been on time, fed, and in a good mood. I hope he comes back home soon. I miss you, my love.

There is a 50/50 chance that those investors might invest in my company, but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. My presentation was absolutely shitty and unprofessional, and my first impression was really bad. My mind is full; there is so much I need to do. My relationship with Jimin is weighing heavily on my mind, and my secret affair with Lisa is not helping either. I really got myself into some deep shit.

After that awful meeting, I called Lisa to meet me over lunch so that we could talk.

Authors' POV

On the phone


Lisa - italics


"Hi kookie, did you miss me? I missed you too. Why did you call me? Do you want me to come over? "

"Yes, actually, but not for what you think. Meet me at my company's cafe in an hour. I'll be waiting "

Before Lisa could respond, Jungkook had already ended the call, leaving her pouting while sitting on her outdoor swing. She put down her wine glass before walking inside her house to get dressed for her meeting with Jungkook. She was dressed in a simple, oversized white shirt, unbuttoned with a tank top underneath and some blue jeans with strappy heels. Once deemed presentable, she left for the cafe.

Jungkook POV

It's almost been an hour since I got to the cafe. I ordered some coffee for myself and Lisa, as well as some pastries. I looked up from my phone and saw Lisa walking my way, looking good as always. She stuck her arms out and threw herself at me into a hug, to which I politely returned, but next, she wanted to kiss me, and that was where I stopped her. "Lisa, what are you doing? We are in public, "I saw her pout. "So, I only wanted to kiss you because I haven't seen you in a while," "I understand that Lisa, but what we are doing, this affair, is not okay and I think we should put a stop to it." I'll get right to the point. There really is no use in beating around the bush. "What..? Do you want us to end this relationship? "She increases the volume of her voice with each word. "Yes, though I wouldn't call it a relationship. We were lusting after each other, and that's it. You knew I was married to Jimin, but still decided to sleep with me. " I say this matter-of-factly, which doesn't really justify my actions, but I'm right nonetheless.

"I knew you were married, but you said you'd give me a chance." "Listen, I enjoyed whatever this was, but I got the scare of my life when I realised last night that my husband had taken all his things and left for the night,  that scared me. What if he finds out about this and leaves me forever? I've only been without him for less than 48 hours and already my life is already going downhill. I'm sorry, but this affair isn't worth my 11-year relationship, and I know it's a little late to realise this but better late than never. I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted, and I'm sorry if I gave you false hope, but I love Jimin, and he's the only one for me. Goodbye Lisa, and also thank you for being a shoulder I could lean on. "

I turned to leave, not forgetting to pay the bill, but I was stopped in my tracks by Lisa's words, "You can't leave me Jungkook! I'm pregnant! It's your child, "says Lisa, panicking when she realises that once Jungkook walks out, she will be forgotten. "I'm sorry. What? " I turned around and stared at her in shock and disbelief.

Authors' POV

"Yes, I'm pregnant. I took the test a week ago and was too nervous to tell you, but judging by your reaction, you're not willing to be in our baby's life. Don't worry, I will abort it. I'm still in the early stages. You can go to your husband, "says Lisa, with tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks down in defeat. Jungkook hugged her and said, "Shh, no you will not abort my child. I'll work something out, okay. Calm down, it's not good for the baby, "says Jungkook with tears in his eyes. "No, go and live your life, Jungkook. I'll be fine, " "No, I'm so happy, I'm elated. I'm going to be a father. This has been my dream for the longest time. Thank you, Lisa. I'll just have to work something out, but the baby is innocent and doesn't deserve to be caught up in our affairs," says Jungkook, kissing her forehead, though he is unaware of the ugly smirk adorning Lisa's pretty face.

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